Wish You Were Mine (pt. 2)

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His P.O.V.

I hadn't stopped thinking about who could've written that note since I read it. It was now my last class of the day, Art. Yea I was ok at it but it definitely wasn't my favourite class. However, there was this one girl, y/n, who was always either helping me or telling me who good I was at it, and or how much better I was getting. Now, to be honest, I hadn't played on falling for her but it sort of just happened. She was sweet, kind, caring, and absolutely beautiful -I don't think she knows it though. She had long thick h/c hair, gorgeous e/c eyes, and the most beautiful smile I'd ever seen. Oh, and have I forgotten to mention that her art is amazing? I don't know how she does it.

The more I thought about her the more I wondered if she could've been the one to write me that note. No, that's not possible she could never love me. What was I thinking?  

Your P.O.V.

It was during the seventh period when you noticed c/n glancing at you more than usual, which when he normally does it he's asking you for help or something with even asking. Not that you didn't love it when he looked at you, but now it was scaring you a bit. That is until he came over to you in the middle of class and asked if he could speak with you after class since school was out then. Of course, you said yes and after he walked away and sat back down you started imagining the highly unlikely and whenever you do, you tend to over think things way. . . too much. 

The bell finally rang and you headed out the door only to remember c/n had wanted to speak to you after class so you stopped and turned around only to be colliding with him as he ran into you. 

"Uhum, sorry about that," he laughed and held out his hand to help you up. 

"Oh, don't worry about it," you said picking up the books you'd dropped. "it's totally fine. Um, I have to go to my locker at the moment but we can still talk." And with that, you motioned for him to follow you. 

"So," he said as you unlocked the lock on your locker and opened the door. "someone left a note in my locker this afternoon after lunch,"

"Oh, really?" you said trying to act casual yet wondering if he'd figured out that it was you so quickly. "What did it say?" Crap. Too forward don't be a creep y/n. You thought while mentally slapping yourself across the face. 

"Um," he laughed nervously and ran a hand through his hair like he always did when he got nervous. "it was from a secret admirer," your eyes widened, "um, and, I was wondering if you knew anyone, who, or," he said stumbling over his words. like a little kid who was trying to tell his parents that he didn't do it.

"C/n," you said maybe a bit too loud but you only did so, so that he would shut up. "listen, if you're asking if I know who left you that note,"

"I am," he interrupted. You just glared at him then continued.

"I do know who it was," his eyes widened, "it was," you took a deep shaky breath hoping he wouldn't reject you when you spoke your next words. "me." You said slowly and quietly -almost in a whisper- with a sigh. 

"What?" He asked as if he couldn't hear you which you were pretty sure he couldn't but you didn't want him to hear you because you didn't want to ruin your friendship. "Who did you say it was?" He asked again.

"Me!" You quietly shouted as you grabbed the lock out of your locker. "It was me," you then started talking faster as you aggressively locked your locker and yanked on it to make sure it was locked. "C/n, I-I've liked you for the longest time and you have to idea how much I like you." You talked even faster as you went on, "And I don't just like I think I might love you. But I'm not certain, then again I think I am. I just don't know. I've never known. I've never been able to understand the feelings I have for you. The saying 'When you know why you like someone, it's a crush. But when you have no reason or explanation, it's love.' is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. The saddest thing is I know you only think of me as a friend, and no one will ever love me, and love is stupid, and I'm stupid in love with you, and I don't even know why I try with you. You're just so perfect. Your eyes, your smile, your voice, your laugh, everything about you is unexplainably perfect. I've wished you were mine for the longest time, however, knew you never would." you sighed and caught your breath then spoke slowly, "C/n, I love you and I always will. Even though I know you'll nev-" 

"Y/n!" he quickly said before you could finish the words that weren't true. "Look," he then took your hands in his, "I like you too. In fact, I like you a whole heck of a lot. I liked you ever since you transferred here. I knew I liked you ever since that one time you decided to play along in c/f (crushes friend) and I's game of throwing a ball around in class when there was a sub. You knew you weren't supposed to, but you did it anyway. And believe me, that was something I'll never forget." you smiled at this the memories playing back in your mind. "Y/n, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Your eyes, your smile, your hair, your talents. Everything about you is beyond amazing." Then he stepped closer to you, your face mere inches apart from his. "Y/n, I-I love you." He spoke his last words slowly. You took in every word as if they were the last words you'd ever hear.

"C/n-" You started but didn't get the chance to finish before he placed his lips gently on yours. After he pulled away he intertwined his fingers with yours and asked if you wanted him to walk you home. You smiled but considering it was snowing, "C/n, it's like, 5 degrees outside and snowing, you really wanna 'walk' me home when we could ride the bus and you could come over." He laughed.

"If we walk we can have more time alone without all your crazy younger siblings bothering us. And your parents." You opened your mouth to protest but he just continued. "Plus, if it gets too cold, I'll be to, keep you, warm. . ." he hesitated on his words knowing it was a bit cheesy. You smiled and laughed lightly then kissed him on the cheek.

"You're so cute." you said and he smiled as he put his arm around you. "I'd love for you to walk me home. No matter how cold it is." You leaned into him as you two walked home, while it was 5 degrees, and snowing. And you didn't even care as long as he was there with you.


Here you go. Part 2. I hope you enjoyed this and I plan on writing more so, be ready. I might be able to publish as frequently as I'd like but we'll see.

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