Backseat Naps

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y/n p.o.v.

My dad had taken me and my boyfriend, y/bf, to a play that my sister was in in a city an hour away from where we lived. There and back I sat in the back seat with him because otherwise I felt lonely up in the front without him.

On the way there my dad burned him with constant questions while we listened to classic 70s and 80s hits.

"So, have you lived here your whole life son?" My dad asked him. I knew the answer because y/bf has told me when we were playing 20 questions a while back, but I let him answer.

"No sir," he said almost tense. "I was born in Ohio, sir," (I just picked a random state you don't have to use Ohio).

"Ah, I see," my dad replied. "You know, I went to high school in Springboro, I lived in many states throughout the east and midwest growing up."

"Dad," I said in a pleading tone.

"What...?" He said.

"Y/bf doesn't need to know your life story," I said.

"Alright, alright," he said making eye contact with y/bf in the mirror.

I could tell my dad intimidated y/bf but I always told him there was nothing to worry about, he's a really nice guy, he just does it to get under his skin. He believed me, he's just a worried person, he says.


In the cast of the play, along with my sister, were some of my old friends I hadn't seen in at least a year so I decided to introduce them to y/bf.

"Heyyyy!" I said giving a hug to one of them, y/f. "How are you?!"

"I'm great!" She said. "Did you enjoy the play?" She asked.

"Yes, yes I did!" I replied.

"And who's this?" She said gesturing to y/bf who was standing behind me.

"Oh, y/f, this is y/bf, my boyfriend," I said with a smile grabbing his hand and bringing him forward.

He smiled cutely and gave a small wave to her.

"Hi!" She said enthusiastically. "I'm y/f, y/n and I were close friends a while back." She said with a smile, reaching her hand out to shake his. He shook it kindly.

"It's nice to meet you, y/f," he said slinking his arm around my waist.

I introduced him to a few more people and then it was time to go home.


On the way back, after the play, my sister sat in the front with my dad and I sat in the back with y/bf.

My sister was busy talking to my dad about the play and asking him what his favourite parts were.

I had my head in y/bf's lap and he was playing with my hair.

"You're pretty," he said as he stared deeply into my eyes.

I smiled, my cheeks turning a light shade of red. "You're pretty too," I said. He smiled and just continued to run his hands through my hair.

I slowly felt my eyes begin to close and I couldn't keep them open anymore. I must've fallen asleep because that was the last thing I remembered before I was waking up to y/bf getting out of the car.

y/bf p.o.v.

She had her pretty little head in my lap and was beginning to fall asleep.

"You're pretty," I said as I stared into her beautiful eyes I always seemed to get lost in.

A smile spread across her face and her cheeks turned a bright shade of pink. "You're pretty too," she said. I just smiled and continued to run my fingers through her perfect hair.

Her eyes were seeming to get heavy and soon she had fallen asleep.

As I was tired too, I wrapped myself around her and fell asleep myself.

(just ignore the pillows as if they weren't there)

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(just ignore the pillows as if they weren't there)


I woke up about ten minutes from my house and y/n was still fast asleep.

Once we reached my house I tried to keep her comfortable and asleep as I moved her to get out of the car.

y/n p.o.v.

I woke to y/bf repositioning me as he got out of the car.

My face dropped a little and I put on a sort of pleading face.

"I have to go, I'll see you tomorrow,y/n," he said as he pecked my lips quickly.

He was about to turn away when i grabbed his wrist and forced myself out of the car while holding onto him.

"I'm going to walk to you inside," I said as I slid my arms around him.

"Then you won't want to leave," he said smiling down at me.

"Please," I begged as I looked up at him longingly.

"Fine," he sighed with a smile as he gave into me.

We walked up to his front door and then he peeled my arms away from him.

"You have to go back now," he said.

I sighed and looked to the ground expecting him to pick me up and kiss me and that's exactly what he did.

I smiled into the kiss and then I heard the car horn honk. I sighed in frustration as he let me down. My dad would never let me stay overnight so there was no point in asking no matter how much I wanted to.

"Hey..." he said kindly as he lifted my chin with his finger to look at him. "I'll see you in the morning I promise,"

I smiled and kissed him once more and dragged my feet back to the car.

"I love you, y/n," he said just before I got there.

I stopped, turned around, and almost hesitated a smile. "I love you too, y/bf," I said now smiling.

We'd never said "I love you" before.

I got into the backseat and smiled to myself the rest of the way home.


a/n: i'm sorry it's taken me so long to update. i've been writing this for two weeks now and i'm just now getting around to finish it.

i have a few more ideas in my drafts and so i'll try to get some of those done as soon as possible but no promises on any given time.

anyway, i hope you enjoyed this one i think it's really cute. and i'm sorry for the terrible ending i just never know how to end anything.

anyway, i hope you have a lovely day/evening/night <3

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