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"Grandma, Areum's here!" Doyoung called, standing at the kitchen's door frame.

Areum walked around the bakery as she quietly admired the lovely place. She always liked the bakery ever since the first time she came because Doyoung's grandmother is a skilled pastry chef but sadly the bakery was small so not everyone knows the place so well. She stopped at a rack full of pastries but the croissants caught her attention.

An old, beautiful woman walked towards Areum with a huge smile. She hugged her tightly. "Areum dear, it's been so long! How are you?" She asked while caressing Areum's cheek lovingly.

"I'm doing great, grandma Kim! How about you?" She held grandma Kim's hand that was still caressing her cheek and she caressed it with her thumb while looking at her.

"Oh dear, I feel wonderful now you're here." She chuckled before letting go of her hand from her cheek then went behind the rack. "What can I get you?"

Areum's eyes lit up in excitement, pointing at the croissants. "Did you just recently add the croissants to your menu? I wanna try it, it looks tasty!"

"Oh yes, these croissants were pretty challenging to make. But I assure you it tastes amazing." She took one then placed it on a small plate before handing it to Areum. "This one has a chocolate filling, try it!"

She nodded her head with a smile then took out money from her dress pocket and was about to place it on the counter until grandma Kim stopped her. "Dear, you don't have to!"

Areum chuckled, still placing it on the counter. "You can't stop me grandma Kim." She said jokingly.

Grandma Kim cackled, patting her head like a puppy. "Whatever you say." She began ruffling her hair then went into the kitchen again.

Areum walked towards one of the tables near her and started to chew the croissant. Doyoung joined her eventually, eating a croissant but with a buttermilk filling.

Doyoung got startled when Areum was hitting the table a few times while shutting her eyes, amazed because of the croissant. "Mmm! This is amazing!" She said.

The startled guy snickered as he found her cute. "Grandma is getting better lately, I'm so proud of her." He said with a smile which made her smile as well.

"You know Doyoung, you guys should try opening a huge bakery so the business will get bigger." She suggested, taking a bite of the croissant again.

He sighed. "You don't understand.. Grandma learned at a culinary school in France and she worked so hard. She came back to Korea with not much money because she spent it just to pay for the school." He explained.

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