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I was taken aback by Doyoung's sudden confession, especially in the middle of the crowd and he had the guts to do it at this time. I did not expect this to happen at all and him having the same feelings towards me.

Feeling his heart beating ever so fast made my heart skip a beat. I felt butterflies in my stomach as I started to feel nervous, this feeling was still unfamiliar to me since it was my first time with someone.

We have been friends for such a long time and never in my life seeing in the future for us to like each other more than friends.

I looked into his eyes deeply, pressing my lips debating whether I should confess too.

I felt like this is the only chance I have. So I should confess my feelings too.

"Doyoung, I—"

I was about to let out until I saw Hyunsuk running towards me, stopping in front of us as he stared at both of us suspiciously.

Dang why at this time?

He crossed both of his arms before saying, "It's sunset, we should go home or father will ground us," He notified which I backed away from Doyoung, joining after my brother who was already walking away.

I turned around to look at him who was standing with a sad expression. I bit my lower lip as I felt bad for not answering his confession.

He had just let out his feelings.

What I'm worried about was, what would happen to our friendship after this? What should I say to him?

Entering the mansion, I immediately went into the kitchen and opened the fridge to drink my milk. I was exhausted. Probably because I was overthinking a lot.

I sat on the dining table sluggishly and tried to make a sandwich.

"Oh, what are you doing?" Hyunsuk asked.

I scoffed. "Reading," I answered with sarcasm.

"Hey, you're making a sandwich!" He snickered. "Make another for me too my sweet little princess."

I cringed at his words, trying to hide a smile. I like this side of him, if I have a wand right now I could spell him to stay like that.

Chuckling, I gave him the sandwich and he immediately took a bite of it once he grabbed it from me. He then joined me sitting at the dining table, still eating his sandwich but I knew he had something to say.

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