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       "Doyoung-ah!" Areum knocked on the door vigorously.

It was late and it was almost midnight. Her meeting with Sunoo's family lasted four hours that she had to wait for her parents and Hyunsuk to fall asleep so she could go to Doyoung.

Doyoung opened the door in a rush, knowing it was Areum by her voice. He opened the door to see Areum in her nightgown and she seemed to be tired.

"Areum, what are you doing here at this late night?" He asked worriedly. "What if your parents find out—"

"It's alright, I'm sure they are still sleeping." She reassured, breathing heavily.

She was still nervous, she didn't know where to start regarding his confession and she was extremely afraid to tell him about the arranged marriage with Sunoo.

She stepped forward while staring into his eyes deeply. Looking at her eyes, he knew it was something not good going to come out of her mouth. He wasn't ready, but he still want to know.

Areum took both of his hands, caressing it lovingly. "Doyoung, about your confession— I-i'm sorry but I only like you as friends. I don't like you that way cause um, I don't think we fit well together." She lied, and he knew there was something wrong with that.

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, letting go of his hands from her and taking a step back. "W-what do you mean?"

He was bothered with what she said because he knew so well she didn't mean it. His heart was almost torn apart, almost—the other half of his heart was still dangling.

"You didn't mean that right? I know it Areum." He asked again, irritated. "Say you didn't mean it and you lied to me."

"Doyoung, it's just-"

"I saw how you look at me Areum. I know you so well and your eyes tell everything obviously. I know you like me too, tell me that." He snarled.

Areum sighed heavily. "No Doyoung, I don't like you." She said boldly, not wanting Doyoung to ask her as she was getting tense.

Doyoung leaned and stared at her, more like glaring. "If you don't like me then say that you are not lying. Because Areum, I know you're not and you-"

"I don't like you and I'm not lying, Doyoung! Okay?! Satisfied?" She yelled. "I'm getting married soon and you won't even get a chance just deal with it!" She frustratedly let out.

His heart was torn apart completely upon hearing her confession. As much as he wanted to cry, he couldn't, especially not in front of her because he didn't want to show that he was weak.

Areum's eyes began to water. She was tired of her parents controlling her, tired that she was always the wrong one, her feelings and literally everything in general. She had to let out the lie for the best.

"R-really, you're getting married?" Doyoung's voice soften at the sight of her depressed self.

He cupped both of her cheeks, making her look at him with teary eyes. Areum softly nodded her head a response as she was still trying to stop herself from crying.

"I-i just can't. It's hard." She cried.

His eyes slowly gazed down at her lips before looking back at her eyes again. "Don't hate me for this."

He smashed his lips on her delicate lips. It was his first time yet he wanted to try it with her before letting her go to somebody else. He thought it was absurd to think like that but with her, he was willing to grab the opportunity.

He tilted his head to the side to deepen the kiss as Areum responded to the kiss and their lips move in sync.

Doyoung himself was surprised with his own actions but he felt like it was worth a try with someone he loves.

It was also her first kiss yet she managed to relax and go with it, especially since it was Doyoung and she knew after this, they won't be meeting each other so much and she will miss him a lot.

At least the kiss was a strong memory for them to remember. For the first time ever, she felt she was loved.

Their moment was interrupted when a loud voice yelled. "What are you two doing?!"

They pulled away from each other to see Mrs Choi glaring at both of them with pure hate and frustration in her eyes.


author's note :

so.. ik im a fan of sad endings but it doesn't mean this story will get a sad ending.. who knows 🤨 vote or there will be no update HAHAHA jk

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