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        It's been ten months and Doyoung was just living normally with his grandmother working at the bakery. After what happened to him and Areum, he decided to let it go and keep moving forward no matter how hard it might be.

However, without her presence, he felt lonely. He knew he was supposed to move on but he couldn't help and still think back to his moments with Areum. He would spend his time with Sunghoon but the guy also got sent to college.

He would go to college if he has enough money. Even if he has money to enter college, he prefers to stay in the village taking care of his grandmother and helping her with the bakery especially knowing his grandmother actually had some kind of illness that worried him so much.

He was playing with Hani outside the house until he heard grandmother Kim call him, more like shouting panicky. He immediately ran into the house and barged into her room.

Grandmother Kim was coughing uncontrollably, her face was red but also pale. He didn't know what to do but decided to quickly run to the clinic and asked a doctor to come to their house.

"So how is she doctor?" Doyoung stood up from where he was sitting.

The doctor sighed heavily, he was hesitant to tell him. "I'm afraid, that your grandmother is in a very dangerous condition right now. It would be better if she comes to the clinic after knowing her illness. Her lungs are very weak which causes her unstable breathing. We will send a nurse here to take care of her if that's alright for you?" He asked.

Doyoung sighed heavily and nodded. He wanted to take care of her instead but he thinks it's better if someone more skilled took care of her so that he could run the bakery.

"Doyoung," his grandmother called with a tired tone after the nurse checked her up.

Doyoung gulped down the saliva that has been stuck in his throat, the heavy feeling started to increase but he held it. He walked towards the exhausted old woman with a sad expression.

"Can you help me take the small bag under my bed?" She asked kindly, she was laying on her bed whilst staring at Doyoung with a warm smile.

Doyoung nodded and crouched down, taking a small brown bag under the bed. He gave it to his grandmother, curiously looking at it while grandmother Kim examined inside the bag.

He handed the small bag to him which made him confused. "Here, take this."

Doyoung gazed at the bag and looked at his grandmother again before taking it. He opened the bag to see a bundle of money. His eyes widened as he looked up at grandmother Kim in shock.

"B-but why grandma? You might need this." He said.

She sighed. "Doyoung, take this so you can go to college. I know how much you wanted college. Go to college, find Areum and never give up."

The wall that has been blocking his tears finally cracked, his tears welling up as he tried not to cry. He was feeling complicated. Of course, he wanted college to reach his dream and especially, be with Areum. But the thing is, he can't just leave his grandmother the one who took care of him since he was a baby.

He can't just leave her during her worst situation, he loves her.

"I know what you're thinking Doyoung. Don't worry about me. Even though I'm old and maybe weak, I'm actually strong inside. Nurse Yoon will take care of me, trust me, dear." She said, caressing her grandson's cheek lovingly.

Doyoung looked up at her with a smile, hugging her tightly. "Thank you so much, grandma, I love you a lot." He bit his lower lip.

Grandma Kim patted his back with encouragement. "Now go pack your things immediately, find a taxi and send you to the town alright? Areum must be waiting for you. I know how much you love her."

Doyoung finally let go of her, giving a peck on her cheek before rushing into his room and packing his things like in just a flash.

The thought of meeting Areum was the first that appeared in his mind. He missed Areum like crazy, he knew he was madly in love. He wanted to fix everything and regret washed over him after saying those harsh words to her.

He smiled after he finished putting everything necessary in his luggage. "Areum, I'm coming for you."


author's note :

oop— sorry i've been worrying about online classes and lost the motivation to write 😔 but hey maybe vote or comment so that my motivation comes back djjsjsjsjsj

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