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"Areum, come down here this instant!" Areum's mother, Mrs Choi, roared.

Upon hearing her mother's dreadful voice, she immediately went downstairs to see her parents sitting on the dining table while sipping their coffees and Hyunsuk, her older brother, was eating a toast.

"Y-yes, mother?" She stuttered.

Mrs Choi placed her coffee down on the table before clearing her throat and looked up at Areum with a sly smile. "I want you to dress up because my friend and your father's friend will be going to visit us here. Be fast because they're going to be here in no time."

She nodded then ran upstairs to wash up and wore a dress. After dressing up, she quickly went downstairs knowing how her mother always informed her at the last minute.

As expected, she walked down the stairs and peeked to see their friends just entered the house while her parents and Hyunsuk welcomed them with a smile. She didn't know how long she's been watching them on the stairs until her father called her.

"Areum! Stop daydreaming and greet them." Mr Choi scolded her, which made her quickly walk towards them and greet them.

"Kids, this is Mr and Mrs Park and their son, Park Jihoon. I'm sure Hyunsuk and Jihoon are close right?" Her father looked at both Jihoon and Hyunsuk as they nodded with a smile.

Jihoon then looked over at Areum with a smile, waving at her which she responded back.

"Mr and Mrs Kim, and their son, Kim Sunoo. Now I hope the four of you will get along well." Her mother said, her hands clapping excitedly while looking at their kids. "We will have a talk at the dining table, so you guys can go rest in the living room."

They nodded their heads as they walked towards the living room. Areum looked down while walking, feeling shy with the new people. Hyunsuk and Jihoon were already talking to each other since they're friends since high school.

They sat on the sofa together, with Hyunsuk and Jihoon still talking, Sunoo and Areum watched the television quitely, not knowing what to do.

Sunoo was very tempted to talk with Areum since his mother wanted him to be close with her for some reason. He assumed that they were planning something for the both of them but he didn't want to worry about it first.

Gazing at her, he found her attractive and funny from the time when her father scolded her for spacing out.

He tapped her knees as she looked at him with her eyebrows raised. "So.. How old are you?" He curiously asked and also wanted to start a conversation between them to make it less awkward.

"I'm eighteen years old." She answered. "How about you?"

Sunoo's eyes lit up. "We're the same age! I hope we get along well." He said, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

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