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        After he met with Areum, he drove back to his dorm in a taxi which he shared with his roommate.

He didn't know how to feel whether he should be sad or happy for Areum after figuring out Sunoo was her boyfriend. He thought maybe he was too late, or maybe he still have time to court her even she was dating someone else.

He knew she still have feelings for him. He could just see it by looking at her behaviour towards him. She would suddenly act sweet and clingy to her boyfriend whenever she saw him. The sight was enough to make Doyoung frustrated but he knew it was just an act.

"So how was your day?" Yedam asked him who was eating a bag of chips on a couch while watching a movie. "You know since it was your first day."

Doyoung plopped onto the couch beside Yedam, taking a chip from him before sighing exhaustedly. "It was great." He sarcastically said earning a curious look from Yedam who noticed his sarcasm.

"Please, what happened?" He questioned, looking back at the movie.

"Well, it's just I met someone I haven't seen for so long." Doyoung bit his lower lip when he recalled Areum's face. "She doesn't seem fond to see me though, not what I expected." He sighed.

Yedam raised his eyebrows and turned to look at Doyoung with a teasing smile. "A she? Okay I know where this is going." He laughed.

Doyoung chuckled upon seeing his face, shrugging it off. "Forget about it. Tell me again, why didn't you come today? You could have accompanied me and probably tour around the college as a roommate, and maybe a friend."

"Maybe friend? We are friends, sheesh! Not just roommates." He huffed. "And well, to answer your question, I don't have classes today so I'm free and don't have to come."

Doyoung's eyebrows quirked in confusion. "How so?"

"Let me remind you, this is college, not high school. Duhhh." He leaned back and watched the movie as he ignored Doyoung's confused expression.

"Also, I have another question," Doyoung asked.


"Have you ever fallen in love with someone?" Doyoung curiously asked which made Yedam stop munching on his chips.

"I don't think so, but I used to have crushes though." He responded. "Why? Is the girl you met today bothered you?"

Doyoung shook his head. "No, not really. We were best friends since we were kids. I was searching for Hani, my dog, then I was passing by her mansion and saw her fall off her bike which I decided to help. Not knowing our friendship lead us to be like this." He explained.

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