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       "Bye Sunoo, bye Sunghoon." Areum bid both Sunoo and Sunghoon, waving at them before walking towards her apartment which wasn't far from their college.

Areum was surprised after knowing that her boyfriend was friends with Sunghoon because their parents were pretty close. Which was why they lived together in a bungalow rental.

She walked along the sidewalk but she stopped when she saw Doyoung sitting on a bench, watching her moves as if he was a stalker. Areum sighed heavily as she tried to ignore him but the guy spoke up.

"You're already in a relationship, what a surprise." The side of his lips curled up.

Areum stopped on her track, rolling her eyes to the side in annoyance. She loathed him for saying those harsh words before she left the village, the words permanently stayed in her mind. 

She sighed heavily, confused with the guy beside her. First, he told her to stay away from him but now he's looking for her?

"Yeah, why? It's none of your business." She scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "I don't understand you Doyoung, you told me to go away from you but who's here now? Stop trying to confuse me." Her voice cracked.

Doyoung bit his lower lip as he felt guilty with his hands flailing beside him. He didn't mean what he said a year ago and he was taken aback that Areum was still not over it. He was angry that he was giving the worst speech, his emotions controlled him during that time.

That's why no matter what happened, be patient cause you don't wanna spit out what you don't mean to say cause you'll regret it eventually.

He put a hand on her shoulder, pulling her towards him closer to look at her face. "Look, Areum. I didn't mean it, I was— angry. I didn't think first, I'm really sorry." He said before pulling her in for a hug, making her surprised by his sudden actions.

Areum wanted to hug him back but she was still hurt. His words haunted her every day it could. It was as if the words made a scar on her heart.

But then again, she was going to marry with Sunoo for the family's sake. She couldn't do it, she couldn't help herself. She won't be able to escape from the arranged marriage. She loves him, but her mother had to ruin it.

She pulled away from him lightly while staring at him in the eye. "I like you, but I don't think we can do this." She told and was about to walk away but once her eyes looked up, they met with Sunoo's fox eyes who was looking at the two in confusion.

He was going to the convenience store to get some canned drinks for her with Sunghoon. Sunghoon went home already but he decided to find Areum, catching sight of someone hugging her.

He stomped towards them with a brow raised curiously glaring at Doyoung. Doyoung looked at somewhere else but him. Sunoo grabbed Areum's arm and walked away from Doyoung as far as they could.

Areum glanced back at Doyoung for the last time before following Sunoo towards her apartment. Arriving in front of her door, she smiled at Sunoo and was about to open her door but he stopped her by pulling her wrist.

"Who is he?" Sunoo asked the question he's been curious about ever since he saw him.

Areum felt her heart drop upon hearing his question. If she told him, he'll get upset and she hates to see it.

She looked down, fiddling with her fingers nervously. "He's no one, don't worry about it."

Sunoo just nodded. Though he wasn't sure about her answer but he decided to let it be and see what will happen eventually. He just wanted to be a good boyfriend for her. He would control himself from getting jealous if he sees her getting too close with another guy.

He knew that they are going to get married. What he hates about it is it was an arranged marriage for their parents. But all those times he spent with her, he slowly started to feel unusual around her, whenever they got too close, his heart started beating at such a fast pace.

He figured that he fell for her but at the same time he was trying not to fall deeply because he knew Areum still think him as a friend. It was painful for him to know about it but at the same time, he was trying his best to make her happy.

"Can I come inside?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

Areum smiled, motioning him to come inside her apartment. "Of course."

Sunoo stepped whilst his eyes wandered around the apartment. He sat on the couch as he waited for her to come back since she was in the kitchen making something.

He has been waiting for her and it has been almost thirty minutes. He couldn't help but wonder why she took so long so he decided to enter the kitchen to see her struggling to open canned condensed milk. He chuckled quietly, slowly snaking his hand on her waist on her back which made her gasp in shock.

Areum bit her lower lip, turning her head slightly to see him smiling down at her cutely. "Are you still struggling to open that?" He snickered.

He stared at her delicate face, examining every inch of her features. He suddenly felt nervous when his eyes landed on her soft lips. He didn't just find Areum beautiful, she was a favourable kind of a person. She didn't deserve her parents.

"Areum-ah." He gulped. "I-i think I fell for you." He confessed, pressing her lips on her gently.

She was taken aback by his confession that she didn't even push him away. It was their first kiss, and Sunoo wanted it so bad. She was debating whether to kiss him back or not her mind kept thinking about Doyoung.

But, she was still hurt.

So she wormed her arms around his neck and kissed him back to deepen the kiss, trying to forget everything about what Doyoung said to her.


author's note :

i promise doyoung and areum moments will come soon 😔 btw happy belated birthday mashiho !! my bias 🥺

i promise doyoung and areum moments will come soon 😔 btw happy belated birthday mashiho !! my bias 🥺

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