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        "Hey Areum, sit beside me!" Miwa called her, patting the vacant seat beside her with a smile.

When Areum caught the sight of the latter, she instantly beamed and sat beside Miwa before placing her books on her desk.

"Have you finished your essay?" Miwa asked her curiously.

Areum nodded her head exhaustedly. Of course, she had finished her essay since she was working on it at the last minute which caused her tiredness because of lack of sleep.

"You?" She asked, turning her head to Miwa.

"Well, last night I was struggling with the essay but luckily my boyfriend came to the rescue. So yeah, I finished mine." She grinned after mentioning her boyfriend.

Areum rolled her eyes and chuckled. "Of course it's Mashiho."

"Hey! He's literally the best guy I ever met." Miwa huffed. "Oh by the way, how are you and Sunoo? Everything is good?"

Areum bit her lower lip upon hearing Miwa's questions. Are they good? She didn't even know. They have been dating for a year and a half now and Sunoo was really kind to her like the boyfriend material that every girl in the world want.

The thing is, he's too good for her. It's making her feel terrible that she didn't even give the love how Sunoo showed affection towards her. She felt bad that Sunoo seemed to start liking her when she haven't even moved on from Doyoung.

Oh how her love life is so complicated.

She was about to answer her when their professor entered the class with his chin held up. The professor placed his things on the table before turning to the front with a smile.

"Good morning class! Now we have a new student who will join the class today." He announced which made everyone in the class started talking to each other.

"Come in!" He gestured for the new student to come who has been waiting outside the room.

Once he entered the class, everyone's eyes glued onto him, especially Areum whose eyes were wide open in shock causing Miwa to shake her shoulder.

Areum rubbed her eyes a few times to make sure she wasn't dreaming or hallucinating. Sure enough, everything was real, he was there in front of the class with a sheepish smile plastered on his face.

The guy took a moment to introduce himself to examine the class with his eyes wandered around the room until he caught sight of the familiar girl he has been missing.

When their eyes connected, Areum instantly looked down while staring at her fingers fiddling nervously. She was confused, how did he find her here? Especially right now?

Doyoung cleared his throat. "Hello everyone, my name is Kim Doyoung. I join here a bit late because I had something to do. It's nice to meet you all." He bowed lightly.

Areum's heart began to beat faster. It was so fast that she couldn't even count on it.

"It's happening again, after such a long time." She mumbled.

When she finally looked up, her eyes meet Doyoung's eyes who was already looking at her. He was walking towards the seat behind her and Miwa which was a vacant one.

The nervous girl shut her eyes, panicked that the guy whom she likes so much was sitting behind her.

"We meet again." Doyoung leaned forward, whispering behind her with a smirk before sitting again.

Areum breathed in anxiously, not wanting to show him that she was nervous. But then her mind suddenly flashbacks to when Doyoung told her to go away which made her furious and just ignored him.

Throughout the lecture, she couldn't focus with Doyoung's presence behind her. She started to overthink a lot that it triggered her anxiety.

What would happen to grandma Kim if he left her? Did he join college to see her? Did he miss her?

A lot of unanswered questions were stuck in her mind. Now with Doyoung here, her feelings fully came back. Sunoo doesn't know about her dramatic situation with Doyoung and she wondered how everything will turn out and Doyoung doesn't even know about her relationship with Sunoo.


        "This is messed up!" Areum yelled, facepalming herself in the ladies toilet.

She sighed staring at herself in the mirror. "Now why do I have to face him today? I'm not ready!"

"But he's getting more handsome now than the last time I saw him..." She mumbled.

She decided to shake it off and exited the toilet to see Sunoo waiting for her. The guy smiled, taking her hand lovingly she smiled in return.

"Let's go to our next class." Sunoo said, pulling her with him.

While walking to their next class, Areum couldn't help but to stare at the guy with guilt soaked over her. She felt like she was the reason Sunoo caught feelings. She shouldn't have pushed to the limit of trying to move on from Doyoung now it seemed like she was using Sunoo as a rebound.

Seeing Doyoung leaning against the door frame while staring at the two attentively, Areum tore her gaze off from him and suddenly linked her arm with her boyfriend.

She smiled up at him. "Baby, come on!" She exclaimed, loud enough for Doyoung to hear which made his eyebrows furrow at the nickname Areum called Sunoo.

Sunoo looked down at her with pressed lips, trying to figure out whether she really called him that or not since it was his first time hearing her call him that nickname.

It's not that Sunoo disliked it. He awfully love it that it made him flustered whenever he rewind it in his mind. Unfortunately, he just didn't know that his girlfriend was trying to make someone else jealous.

Doyoung couldn't but fume when he realised it. His eyes were still glued on them while they walked towards their next class together.

He eventually sighed. "Have you really moved on, Areum?" He mumbled.


author's note :

3-5 more chapters left i guess?

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