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Doyoung laughed at his daughter's oblivious questions, she seemed too invested in listening to the story. His laugh soon slowly dimmed as he patted his daughter's head like a puppy.

"Well Hana, if we broke up, we wouldn't get married and you wouldn't be born into this world." Doyoung smiled at her while caressing her head lovingly.

Hana's eyes widened in realisation before rubbing the back of her neck in embarrassment. Although she's seven years old but she loves romance just like her dad. She pulled her blanket closer to her before leaning back on her pillow since she was feeling a little sleepy but still eager to listen to the story.

"So Mom came to your house after that to tell you the truth about the death of your parents?" She yawned.

"You're right, she did."



Rain was pouring heavily that evening yet Areum still wanted to reach Doyoung about the truth. It was hard for her to run all the way to Doyoung's cottage with her drenched dress hugging her frame but people say love makes you crazy and that is real. She'd do everything to be with Doyoung despite her mother's lunatic hate toward their relationship.

As she reached the front door of his house, she knocked on his door vigorously while panting heavily after all the run. She didn't stop knocking until the door was opened by Doyoung who was surprised to see her drenched and tired.

"Areum what the heck? Come in, you're wet! You might get a fever!" Doyoung pulled her in and brought her to the couch before getting a towel and wrapping it around her shivering body.

All she needed to do was tell him the truth about the death of his parents. She couldn't resist holding the secret, especially from him. "I-i have something to confess." She stuttered, gazing at Doyoung with sad eyes.

"What is it?" He curiously asked, but he knew from the look on her face it wasn't good.

Areum took a hold of Doyoung's hands while staring into his eyes. "My mom is the reason why your parents died."

"What?" He pulled back his hands with furrowed eyebrows.

"It-it was an accident! She was mad at that time so she accidentally hit your parent's car. She really didn't mean it, she's feeling guilty after everything. That's why she never wanted us to be together because she kept telling herself that she was a murderer who murdered  your parents." Areum explained in one breath before she looked at Doyoung again to see his reaction, but his reaction was nothing. Even the girl was confused, she expected him to maybe yell at her and push her out of the house.

But no, he didn't do that.

Because he knew about it already. But he was just trying to process what to say to her explanation.

Doyoung sighed. "Areum, I know. I just know about it last night, grandma Kim told me."

"Y-you're not mad?"

"Well, I was for a moment. But grandma did that to protect our relationship. It may be your mother's fault for her carelessness but she didn't mean it, I do understand her situation. Although it's really upsetting to know the truth, I might be mad at everyone because I'm frustrated, but that doesn't change my love for you Areum." He put a hand on her cheek, caressing her soft cheek with his thumb as he smiled at her whose face was written with pain and sadness.

"I love you, my Areum-dawo."

Areum let out a tear trickling down her face as she smiled and chuckled softly. "I love you more, Doyoung."

Doyoung leaned closer and connected his lips with her delicate ones. Areum didn't waste a second as she replied to the kiss and closed her eyes. It was their second kiss and both had been wanting to do it for such a long time.

That one kiss had so many stories and meanings behind it.


"After two years of being in a relationship we got married."

Hana clapped her hands with a huge smile plastered on her face. "Woo-hoo! That's such a sweet story dad!" She cheered.

"Hana that sounded sarcastic." Doyoung laughed. "But indeed yes, we're a lovely couple."

"My name is Hana, and back then your dog's name was Hani, you said she was a Chihuahua right?" She excitedly asked.

Doyoung nodded his head. "Yes, she was really cute, like you." He ruffled her hair before getting up from the edge of his daughter's bed to exit her bedroom.

"Good Night Hana."

"Good Night dad!" Hana exclaimed before Doyoung could switch off the light and exit the room.

He turned around to see Areum standing with her arms crossed over her chest, an eyebrow raised at him with a foot tapping against the floor. "You told her about our old days? My mom wouldn't like that idea."

"Areum-ah, it's alright. She was curious, she'll learn something from it. So don't worry about it!" He stepped closer to her before snaking his hands around her waist with a smile.

Areum sighed. "Fine." She hugged him calmly for a few seconds then pulled away softly, but Doyoung's arms were still around her waist.

"So.. Hana might be lonely, she would be happy to have a brother or a sister. Just a suggestion." He shrugged, rubbing the back of his neck.

Areum raised her eyebrows at him as she was trying to process what he was saying.

"Ohh— I get what you're saying." She hummed. "But I'm tired right now, maybe soon." She chuckled before pulling away from Doyoung and walking towards the kitchen, leaving him confused.

"No way."



author's note :

hey y'all !! thank you for staying here if you do ! and i apologise for the long delay of this fanfic because i've been busy and all cries

i still have exams right now but since i have free time now i decided to publish the final chapter of tainted love. sorry if it's disappointing but this was how i imagined for the fanfic last year !

don't forget to vote, leave some comments and follow me for more treasure fanfics ! thank you so much 💕

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