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      "Areum, have you done packing?!" Mrs Choi shouted downstairs while Areum was still packing a few things.

"Just a little bit more!" She responded, putting her books in her luggage.

"Well be fast! We don't want to make Sunoo's family waiting!" She scowled, getting impatient as she waited for her daughter on the door frame while constantly checking the time.

Areum finally finished with everything, running towards her mother shortly. Before joining her mother towards the car, she felt someone pull her wrist before she could get in.

She turned around to see Hyunsuk, a small smile plastered on his face. "Do well in college, I'm sure Sunoo will take good care of you."

She could only smile and hug her brother tightly. "I will." She whispered before pulling away from each other then getting in the car nervously.

She looked up at the mansion with teary eyes. She knew she'll move to the city for college only for a few years then after that, she knew the outcome.

After knowing that the marriage will be held after their college, she couldn't help but feel mad and upset that their parents lied to her. It was their tactic to distance her from Doyoung.

"Mother?" She hesitantly called.

Her mother hummed, waiting for her to talk. She was sitting at the passenger's seat with her father at the driver's seat.

"I want to meet Doyoung."

Mrs Choi sighed. "How many times do I have to tell you? He-"

"Please mother I beg you! Just this one time!" She cried, holding her mother's arm.

"Fine!" She said, telling her husband to go to the village which made Areum instantly smile.

Once they have reached the village, she quickly get out of the car and ran towards Doyoung's house. She knocked on the door a few times then the door was opened to see Doyoung.

Doyoung's eyes widened. "Areum? I thought-"

His sentence got cut off when she leapt onto him and hugged him tightly. He slowly hugged her back, shutting his eyes to prevent his tears from falling.

"I'm going to miss you." She whispered, letting go of him with a warm smile when she saw his confused face.

"W-what do you mean?" He asked impatiently. "Don't tell me—?"

She sighed. "I'm sorry, I have to. I'm going to college." She looked down while caressing her right arm guiltily.

"And you didn't tell me?" He asked again, his tone was clearly annoyed. "Areum, that takes three years for you to come back! How am I supposed to stand that?!"

Areum didn't want to cry or else her mother will scold her about it. Of course, she knew this will come but she did not want to tell him sooner because she didn't want him to leave his grandmother or no one will take care of grandma Kim.

"I'm sorry.." She stepped forward to hold his hand but he stepped back with crossed eyebrows, still mad at the fact that she didn't tell him about it.

"It's over, Areum. Our friendship was for nothing. We already promised not to keep secrets." He shook his head, crossing his arms over his chest. "Now go away, I don't want to see your face or I might fall in love with that pretty face of yours."

Areum gasped at his harsh words as she shook her head in disbelief. "You don't understand, Doyoung. But if that's what you want then fine! You don't want to see me then I'll do it for your sake!"

She walked away, trying to hold back her tears leaving Doyoung flabbergasted. The guy sighed heavily and entered the house silently. 

He didn't know how to feel. Angry, upset, confused, it was mixed emotions that he couldn't comprehend.

"Doyoung, I know you messed up." His grandmother said who was sitting on a chair in the kitchen.

He looked up to see grandma Kim working on a new recipe again, she was whisking some kind of wet ingredients. He totally forgot that his grandmother was there and she clearly heard everything.

Though when he examined her face, she looked pale that it worried him. "Grandma, are you okay? Your face is pale."

Grandmother Kim stopped whatever she was doing, looking up at Doyoung in shock. She nervously caressed her face before looking up at Doyoung with a smile.

"Nothing to worry about, maybe I was just tired." She reassured, but Doyoung felt something was wrong. He could tell she was lying.

He sighed. "Grandma, are you hiding something from me?" He asked suspiciously but grandma just shook it off with a smile.

"Oh nonsense!" She said as she began to walk away from the kitchen and got in her room in a rush.

He knew there was something wrong


author's note :

take care besties <3

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