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I couldn't help but wonder about what happened last night with Doyoung. It irked me that we met and spent our time together during New Year's Eve outside.

I was just looking for some midnight snacks but my forgetful ass left my wallet at the apartment. Luckily, Doyoung was there paying it for me and saving me from the pervert guy.

Did he plan to meet me last night? Impossible. Did he stalk me? He wouldn't do that, he's a sweet guy.

I was too shocked that we spent together last night before New Year. Because some others said that you will live happily with someone you celebrate with during the New Year.

That can't be happening.

It really bugged me to the point I haven't even eaten anything yet. I was still laying on my bed while kept thinking about it.

Well, you don't know what the future holds right?

A knock can be heard from the door and I immediately walked towards it and opened the door to see Sunoo smiling at me. "Hey!"

"Hi," I opened the door wider as he came in and sat on the couch. "Do you need anything?"

He shook his head lightly. "No, seeing you already made me good."

I rolled my eyes playfully at his words before joining to sit beside him. I looked up at Sunoo, staring at his ethereal face. How could I be selfish? He's too good for me.

I began to feel anxious when I feel like telling him the truth. What if he tells his parents or my parents that Doyoung is here? What would my mother do to him? I don't want my mother to involve in our situation cause she'll make it even worse.

"Sunoo," I called, tapping his shoulder lightly to catch his attention.

He turned to look at me with a smile. "Yes, Areum?"

God, I felt terrible. But it's for the best, I don't want to give him fake hope. He deserves someone better.

"I-i love someone else," I confessed, looking down at my fiddling fingers.

His smile fell into a frown and his face formed a confused expression. He got up abruptly with his face still trying to control the emotion.

Just by looking at the sight, my heart shattered into pieces.

He bit his lower lip and sat back down with his hands formed into a fist. "I thought you love me all this time." He spoke up.

I put a hand on his arm with a sad smile. "I'm really sorry Sunoo, but I love someone else. We like each other even before we met. You're too good for me, Sunoo."

"B-but how about the marriage?" He asked with a cracked voice, trying his best to sound normal. "What if our parents still want us to get married? W-we still can get married even if you like someone else, Areum! I d-don't mind!" He turned to me with a small smile.

I shook my head, holding his hand tightly. "No Sunoo, that's going to be toxic for our relationship. There is a way for this, Sunoo. I'm truly sorry, it's for the best."

He sighed heavily and looked down sadly, not wanting to face me. "I don't know, Areum. I really like you but- love can make us do crazy things which means I would do anything to make you happy."


author's note :

i honestly forgot about this book. plus, i'm fasting so i am doing no sins no no no LMAO

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