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"Oh, you're back!" Grandma Kim opened the door with a smile. Her smile then replaced with a worried expression once she saw Doyoung looking gloomy and the box still in his hands.

She closed the door then pat his back. "Why didn't you give it to her? What happened dear?" She asked while caressing his hair.

Doyoung still looked down, biting his lower lip. "T-they have a guest. I-i think she's busy with someone else." His voice cracked.

Grandma Kim let out a sigh as she started to take the box from Doyoung and put it in the fridge so that they could give it to Areum someday.

"We could give it to her tomorrow alright? You can go to sleep now dear." She comforted him, showing him a warm smile.

She knew exactly why he was acting like that. Of course, it's no other than jealousy.

Doyoung nodded. "Alright, goodnight grandma." He said before walking towards his room grimly.

Once he entered his room, he immediately plopped on his bed with a frustrated sigh. "Why can't I just give the cake to her? Grandma baked the cake now I feel awful." He mumbled to himself.

He felt like he was a burden, getting jealous just because of Areum with someone. The guy was probably her relatives or something. He was already afraid of not winning the chance since the guy who was with Areum earlier looked handsome.

"Grandma was right, I like Areum." He got up and exited the room, taking the box out of the fridge then ran outside to her mansion.

It was midnight already but he didn't care, he wanted to give the cake to her, his grandmother put a lot of effort into baking the Red Velvet cake.

Once he reached the back of her mansion, he saw her lights were still on so he took a small rock and threw it on her window as a sign that he came. He waited for her until the window was opened, she looked down at him with a wave.

He waved back as Areum began to quietly walked downstairs to exit the house through the back door.

"Doyoung, what are you doing here? It's midnight!" She came towards him while hugging herself since it was cold.

He smiled before handing her the box. "Here, it's from grandma."

She took it, taking a look at the box. "Ooh what's this?" She curiously asked.

"I-it's a Red Velvet cake. Grandma made it of course." He stuttered because of the cold weather.

Areum smiled. "Thank you so much!" She exclaimed lowly as she began to hug him tightly which made him flustered.

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