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italics= rues narrationLEILANI WILLOW DIAZ was my best friend

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italics= rues narration
LEILANI WILLOW DIAZ was my best friend. Sure, I'm the reason she died; but I still cherished her more than anything. I know what you're gonna say, "Rue, how could you kill someone?" But the thing is, she did it to herself, I just gave her the extra nudge.

Leilani enjoyed being around people who made her feel good. I suppose I was one of those people, and I was grateful to meet someone so pure and down to earth.

She never had an easy life. Her parents died in a house fire started by her, which was an accident. She was playing with the stove, trying to make some food for herself when she should have been asleep.

Her brother and his best friend Joseph were out at a girls house, and she left the stove on for too long. The gas line malfunctioned, and it started a fire. Being the naive seven year old girl she was, she ran; without waking up her parents.

Since then, her brother and her have stayed with many people for the seven years. Until when Leilani was fifteen and Alex was twenty-one, they found a home. Alex had been working his ass off, selling and selling his own music.

I met Leilani for the first time at school. She was walking around, all scared and shit like she was about to have a breakdown in the middle of the hallway. Since I was all drugged out, I helped her. That's the day I knew I would be best friends with this girl, despite the age difference.

I fucked up when I offered her acid. I remember her being all mellowed out, her head leaning off the couch as she counted each individual crack on her ceiling. That started the downfall of her life, and I regret so fucking much from that moment.

She met Ashtray and Fez when I brought her along with me to get more drugs for us. Fez instantly welcomed her, even giving her free shit from the store just cause she was so nice to him; even if she didn't know him.

Ashtray was a little more headstrong though. He said a single word to the girl, and that was "sup".  Leilani liked the boy, she thought he was interesting. She started studying him, talking to him more and more until he finally talked back.

I loved seeing Leilani happy, it was a feeling that I couldn't describe. She was like my little sister, along with her best friend Alo.

Alo was a year older than Leilani, also known as Maddy Perez's twin sister. They aren't identical, I think the words paternal or some shit. Fraternal? Bitch I don't know.

Anyways, back to the story! Alo and Leilani met when the fifteen year old was at a party, and accidentally puked all over Alo's brand new Gucci heels. Alo didn't freak out though, she simply helped Leilani get home while I was too high on the couch next to Fez.

Leilani fell in love with Alo after that. Not like love love, but a platonic love. You could find the two girls doing anything together, whether it was sleeping, eating, it didn't matter. They loved being around each other, it made them happy.

Leilani had the dream of becoming a singer just like her older brother, and even recorded a couple of her songs. She didn't get around to selling them and living her dreams, and I just wish I could have seen that happen. Everyone knows she deserved it.

I missed her much, that I got worse into drugs. Jules always found me drunk or high, on whatever the fuck I could find.

You would have never found another like Leilani, and I didn't want to. I just wanted her back, and god knows I would have done anything to get her back, anything.

authors note
she looks pretty cute for a dead bitch tbh

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