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ALO MARIE PEREZ never had the luxuries of most children growing up

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ALO MARIE PEREZ never had the luxuries of most children growing up. Most little girls were spending time with their mother or father, getting to create that loving child-parent bond that would last for the rest of their life; but Alo wasn't.

Much like her sister Maddy, she craved being admired. She yearned for that validation that people could give you, the type of shit that makes you feel good about yourself.

When Alo was twelve years old, she hit puberty. She was at school, and freaked out because she got her period, and had nobody to talk to. Her mother barely spoke to her, but spoke to her sister Maddy almost everyday, buying her new clothes and new stuff for her room.

She had to speak to me about it, because I had hit puberty already. I spent the entire day teaching Alo about what was happening to her, showing her how tampons and pods work, and what a period was like; what her body would go through for the rest of her life.

Her parents never liked me, they thought I came from a bad family. Nonetheless, both Maddy and Alo showed up to my dads funeral, Alo comforting me and reading to me as I cried myself to sleep.

When Leilani showed up in town, we got a little distant. I didn't mind though, because I had Jules. I always say Alo and Leilani walking around school, laughing about something or gossiping amongst each other like normal teenage girls.

Leilani and Alo quickly formed a sister-like bond, telling each other everything, no matter what it was. When I started doing heavier drugs and getting bad again, Leilani instantly noticed and informed Alo so the two girls could keep me alive and help me.

I never really told them, but I loved them with everything in me, they showed me a better life than anybody ever could have. I really miss them.

Leilani cringes her face up in disgust as she hears the moaning coming from Rue's room, setting her phone down and closing her eyes. Using her index finger and thumb, she pinches the bridge of her nose and sighs; removing her feet from the coffee table.

The moaning quiets down, the bedroom door opening and Jules walking out, sending a tight lipped smile to Leilani who's sat on the couch. Pushing herself off the couch, abs waltzes down the hallway and into Rue's room, throwing herself down at the end of the girls bed.

"That was the fakest orgasm I've ever heard in my life. I might be a virgin, but I've watched a lot of porn. That was a pornstar moan." Leilani deadpans, looking at Rue who's laid down on the bed, her arms thrown out beside her as she looks at Leilani.

"I think my vaginas broken." Rue sighs, shaking her head and looking up at the ceiling that was covered in glow in the dark star stickers.

"Maybe. Or maybe Jules just can't eat coochie." Leilani shrugs, and Rue groans in discomfort as she adjusts her basketball shorts, sitting up on the bed and looking at Leilani.

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