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LEILANI was like most teenage girls

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LEILANI was like most teenage girls. She craved validation, craved the feeling of someone paying attention to her. Even though she did constantly crave it, not once did she ever sit back and beg for someone to pay attention to her.

Before her mother died, she had sat Leilani down and gave her a lesson about how you should never beg someone to love you. If they love you, they will show it and you shouldn't have to ask.

Alex had gotten out the hospital two days later, being told to recover fully before attempting to get back to his daily routine. During those two days where her brother was stuck in a hospital with shitty doctors, she cried more than she ever had.

The entire time, all she thought about was the fact that she could lose her brother along with her parents. In all actuality, Alex was truly the only person she had left; and it crushed her to think about him leaving her life.

It took Fez, Ash and Joseph to get her to calm down. She was screaming and crying as she tried to get out the front door and join her brother in the ambulance he was being taken away in. Joseph nearly broke down that day, seeing a fifteen year old he saw as his own sister breaking down in his arms.

Ashtray never dealt with his emotions, he would just bottle them up and leave them be; instead of actually expressing how he felt. He only knew the girl for a couple weeks when it happened; yet he felt so sorry for her. He wanted to do something, but he wasn't raised that way.

"Turn on Taylor Swift or get the fuck out." Leilani mumbles, looking at Fez who raised his eyebrows in surprise. Chuckling slightly, he walks over to her record player that's sat on the dresser, turning on her folklore album.

"You want some more of that ice cream shit in the freezer?" Fez asks, switching on her fairy lights that surrounded the walls of her room. Nodding once, Fez hums one response and walks out of the door, jogging down the stairs.

Fez decided he was going to stay with Alex, Joseph and Leilani while they recovered. He felt like he had a debt to pay to the family, and he paid it by giving Leilani ice cream and playing her sad albums whenever she wanted.

Faye had moved into Ash and Fez's house because she apparently killed a manager at a motel. While Fez was with them, Ash was at home dealing with the stupid shit Faye brought along.

"Aight, here you go." Fez walks back into the room, a spoon and a pint of ice cream in his hand; throwing it onto her bed. Leilani smiles in response, grabbing the ice cream and popping the lid off.

"Imma go back to the house to check on Faye, you good here with Joseph?" Fez questions her, standing in the doorway with his hands stuffed in the pockets of his jeans.

"Yeah, yeah I'm good." Leilani tells him, her words mumbled from the amount of ice cream shoved in her mouth. Fez throws up a peace sign, walking down the hallway and out the house.

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