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LEILANI DIAZ put up with a lot of bullshit in her life

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LEILANI DIAZ put up with a lot of bullshit in her life. One thing she would never put up with though, is people talking shit about her friends or family. She never gave a shit if they talked bad about her, but someone else? That's a different story.

She would fucking kill you if you said something wrong about someone she loved. It didn't matter if you didn't know her or she didn't know you, you would regret saying anything.

Pulling into Cassie Howard's driveway, Leilani quickly unbuckles her seatbelt and hops out of the car, putting her finger up at Fez and Ash who sat in the front.

"I'll be back." Leilani says, and Fez nods. Walking toward the front door, she doesn't even knock; instead she walks in and surprises Lexi who's sat on the stairs on the phone.

"Hey, Alo's on the way. Cassie's in our room." Lexi explains, and Leilani nods as she trudges up the stairs, holding onto the banister as her body shakes with anger.

"Cassie! Open the fucking door!" Leilani yells, using her fist to bang on the white wooden door. Cassie yelps, backing up as the doorknob jiggles.

Rolling her eyes, Leilani trudges back down the stairs, walking out the front door and toward the car where Fez and Ash are sat. Fez rolls down the window, looking at her with confusion in his eyes.

Reaching into the car, she grabs the gun that's tucked in between the seats, removing the magazine and making sure it has enough bullets. Ash exclaims, yelling at her as she cocks the gun, tucking it into her waistband.

"The fuck are you doing!?" Ash yells, his eyes wide as he looks at Leilani. Fez laughs, shaking his head as he leans back in the front seat, taking another hit of the blunt.

"Don't worry about it. Worry about yourself." Leilani deadpans, turning around and walking back into the house. Lexi gasps as she sees the gun in Leilani's pants, trying to stop her.

"I'm not gonna fucking kill her Lexi, just back up." Leilani explains, putting her hand on the brunettes shoulder and patting it. Lexi nods nervously, backing up in the hallway.

Pulling the gun out of her waistband, she turns the safety off and cocks it, pointing it at the side of the doorknob. Lining up the sight, she places her index finger on the trigger and pulls it; a gunshot ringing through the large house.

"Yo! What the fuck!" Ash yells, throwing his door open and unbuckling his seatbelt, jogging into the house and running up the stairs.

Ashtray was surprised by the sight he saw that day. He always saw Leilani as this girl who was too scared to do anything, but seeing her plummeting her fists into Cassie's face scared the fuck out of him; and he wasn't scared of anything.

"You stupid bitch!" Leilani yells as she lunged toward Cassie, tackling the girl into the dresser behind them. Cassie cries out as her back meets the wood, pain coursing through her body.

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