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I DON'T THINK I ever truly understood the way Leilani's brain worked, the way she thinked

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I DON'T THINK I ever truly understood the way Leilani's brain worked, the way she thinked. She was impulsive, rational. It was like there were a thousand little gears running in her head at once, all screaming at her and overpowering her.

She would do things out of nowhere, like cut her hair, dye it, change her nail color; get tattoos. That's why when she walked into Fez and Ash's store, demanding for tattoos, my sober self was completely flabbergasted. Is that a word? Lemme look that shit up real quick.

Aight, it's a word. Anyways, Leilani walking into the store. She demanded for multiple tattoos, a wad of cash present in her hand as she stared at Fez and Ash with such determination it could make a grown man cry.

She ended up walking out of the store with multiple tattoos. A small frowny face under her eye, J and A placed on her collarbones, Fezco's name going down her spine and Ash's name inked into her left arm. It surprised me, seeing the girl get permanent tattoos of someone's name that she would probably end up losing in the end.

Nonetheless, I was kind of proud of her. I didn't say it out loud, but she was growing more comfortable around us. Coming out of her shell and smiling more, laughing loudly, etc. She was a light in the dark.

Leilani hisses in pain as she touches her face, the red inflamed skin burning at the touch. Changing the wrapping on all her tattoos, she slips on her pink sweater and black pleated pants; moving over to her closet and grabbing her shoes.

Leilani was a big part in Lexi's play, which she was currently getting ready for. We never made it, but I know we would have loved it. I read the play beforehand, and I cried when I got to Leilani's part.

Slipping on her converse, she furrows her eyebrows as her phone buzzes in her pocket, a text from Ash coming through. The picture of the two together flashes on her screen, his emergency text coming up.

ash❤️‍🔥: get down here now. SOS.

Leilanis body riddles with anxiety as she quickly tucks her phone in her pocket, throwing open her bedroom door and jogging down the stairs. Alex tries to speak to her, but gets cut off by the front door slamming.

Leilani runs quickly through the street, her breathing heavy as her converse scuff against the concrete road. Her lungs burn as she runs, her hair flowing in the breeze behind her. With a racing heart, and burning lungs she arrives at Fezco and Ashtrays house, instantly walking through the front door and seeing Fez standing with roses in his hands and dressed in a suit.

"Is everything good?" Leilani huffs, Ash shaking his head as Custer looks at her. Her eyes trail to Faye, who's eyes are slightly widened and her bottom lip quivering.

"Bro..the fuckin' cops found Mouse's body." Custer sighs, looking at Fez. Faye drops her glass that was in her hand, the glass shattering all over the ground as she bends down.

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