twenty one.

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LEILANI NEVER CARED about what people thought about her, she just cared about how her family thought about her

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LEILANI NEVER CARED about what people thought about her, she just cared about how her family thought about her. Other people didn't matter to her, but to know that her friends or family were disappointed in her, she would care about that.

Leilani told me multiple times she didn't want to tell Ash or Fez about what she did to her parents because she was afraid they would think she was crazy. She was terrified that they would drop her, completely break contact with her and abandon her like others have before.

They never did. The night that Leilani texted Ash about her feelings for him, he was leaving her on read. She was convinced he was ignoring her, because she had something wrong with her.

Ash wasn't ignoring her. He was doing research, some spy type shit to the human eye. He was leaving Leilani on read because he was sat outside Luna Caswell's house, watching as she smoked a cigarette on the front porch with a bottle of bourbon sat next to her.

He knew there was something wrong with the way she just walked in the house, and started destroying things. He wasn't stupid, he knew that if Luna was actually pregnant she would have said so before Leilani dragged her.

"What the actual fuck." He whispers to himself as he crouches on the sidewalk, hidden behind a large bush. The red head girl takes one last inhale of her cigarette before standing up, taking a large swig of the alcohol.

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me." He huffs, standing all the way up and tucking his phone back into his pocket. Shaking his head, he approaches the red head who shrieks loudly when a gun is held against her head.

"Shut the fuck up." Ash whisper yells, slapping his hand over her mouth and nodding his head to the car behind him. She quickly nods, walking with Ash to the black Mercedes Benz.

Opening the back door, he throws the girl into the car and grabs her phone out of her hand. Slamming the door shut, making sure the child lock is enabled before doing so. Sighing, he looks at the girl as he walks around the car, hopping into the drivers seat and starting the car.

"I wanna know why the fuck you told Leilani and Alex you were pregnant, yet sitting on your porch drinking your fucking life away." Ash questions as he pulls off the street, Luna's eyes widening in the back as she looks at the teenage boy who had a gun in his lap.

"I am pregnant." Luna retorts, sitting up straighter when Ash's free hand goes to the gun in his lap. He looks at her through the rear view mirror, the right side of his face illuminated by the street lights.

"I'm not fucking stupid. Pregnant women don't drink and smoke on their front porch. Because if you were pregnant, you would fucking know better." He argues, turning onto Leilani's street and driving quickly as Luna looks at him through the rear view mirror.

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