twenty three.

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WHEN RIO DIAZ was sixteen years old, he commuted his first murder

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WHEN RIO DIAZ was sixteen years old, he commuted his first murder. His father was in a gang, he was the dealer for all of them. A member apparently ripped his father off, owing him over two hundred dollars from all the drugs he's consumed.

Gray, the dude, pulled a gun out on Rio's father. Him, being the lil bad ass kid he was, didn't like that. He pulled out his own gun, shooting the guy right between the eyes, watching as his body dropped to the ground with a loud thud.

After that day, Rio was never the same. I think Leilani inherited the murder gene, if that even is a thing. That's why Rio wasn't that surprised when he had learned Leilani had murdered someone in cold blood, because he had done the same. It was only a matter of time before it happened.

Leilani sits on the couch with her dad, her feet propped up on the table as a bowl of popcorn sits between the two. Joseph sits with Alex next to them, the two arguing about who's the better avenger.

"Can you two shut the fuck up?" Leilani snaps, whipping her head toward Alex and Joseph as she throws another piece of popcorn in her mouth.

The four listen as the front door opens, closes, and light footsteps echo through the hallway. Reaching her hand into the couch cushion, Leilani grabs ahold of the black pistol and pulls it out, cocking it and pointing it toward the doorway.

"Woah! Calm down killer queen!" Alo yells, dropping her bag and putting her hands up beside her head. Ash walks up beside her, his eyes immediately going to Rio who's sat next to her.

"Who is this fine man?" Alo questions, walking toward the couch and taking a seat at the end, Rio turning toward his daughter with confusion in his eyes.

"Their dad." Joseph tells her, chewing the popcorn and smiling at Rio who rolls his eyes at the twenty three year old. Alo coughs, her eyebrows furrowing and eyes widening.

"Aren't you supposed to be dead?" Alo exclaims, hitting her chest as her lungs burn from the amount of coughing she's doing. Rio smirks, shaking his head and looking at the raven-haired girl.

"Aren't you supposed to be in school? What are you, sixteen?" He laughs, throwing a piece of popcorn in his mouth and chewing it with a small smirk. Alo rolls her eyes, looking at Ash who's still confused.

"This the boyfriend?" Rio points to Ash, Leilanis eyes widening as she looks at Ash. Tucking the gun back into the couch, she shakes her head and purses her lips.

"Nah, gay best friend." She shakes her head, her face full of zero emotion as Ash nods, smiling slightly. Joseph cackles loudly, slapping Alex's shoulder as the two laugh loudly.

"What's so funny?" Rio questions, his arms crossed against his chest as he looks at Alex and Joseph. Alex clears his throat, pointing to Ash.

"That boy is not gay. I mean come on, what gay sixteen year old boy do you know that wears Jordan's and track suits that make him look like a middle aged mom going to Pilates?" Alex laughs, Ash's jaw dropping as he looks at the black-haired boy. Rio snickers, looking at Ash then to Leilani.

"Ugh! Fine, he's the boyfriend. And before you go and lecture him saying not to hurt me, there's a high chance I'll hurt him before he hurts me." Leilani groans, throwing her head back as she looks at the ceiling. Ash clears his throat, standing up and reaching his hand out.

Rio nods, pushing himself off the couch and standing up in front of Ash. He easily towers over the sixteen year old boy, looking down at his hand and then back at his face that's emotionless; but he can feel the fear radiating off his body.

Ash was scared shitless. The only thing running through his brain at that exact moment was who was going to run his discord server once Rio killed him and buried him in their backyard.

"Nice to meet you." Rio nods, slapping the boys hand away and giving him a short hug. Ash widens his eyes, hesitantly wrapping his arm around Rios body and patting his body.

"What's your name boy?" Rio questions, throwing his arm around Ash's shoulder and walking them away from the living room. Rio turns around, pointing to the couch and Leilani rolls her eyes.

The two walk into the kitchen, Rio taking a seat at the dining table and Ash doing the same, sitting directly across from him. His leg bounces anxiously as he looks at Rio who's waiting for an answer.

"Uh, Ash. Ashtray is my real name but Ash is cool." He nods, swallowing harshly as he looks at Rio who raises his eyebrow. The man nods, placing his hands on the table and linking them together.

"Why did your parents name you Ashtray? Why not just Ash?" He questions, tilting his head slightly as he looks at Ash.

"Uh, I don't know my parents. My grandma named me Ashtray because I used to eat cigarettes out the ashtray, I think. I don't know, never met my mom or dad." Rio's face softens slightly at the boys words, Ash looking at the table as his leg continues to bounce under the table.

"You got any siblings?" Rio replies, his eyes trained on the gold chain that's hanging off of Ash's neck. He nods, looking up at him.

"I have a brother. His name is Fez. We own a little store down the road." Rio's eyebrows raise, his lips parting slightly as he nods at Ash's words. Clearing his throat, he adjusts himself in the chair and looks at Ash intently.

"I'm not gonna give you the whole, if you hurt my daughter I'll kill you talk, because she's more likely to kill you than I am. I don't do that shit anymore. I mean you gotta be good for her, she killed someone for you." He laughs, Ash cracking a small smile at the man's words. Nodding, he sniffs and looks at the table.

"I'm sorry for what you went through. You shouldn't have had to at fifteen. Uh, you hungry? Leilani wanted to cook tonight so we might go to Walmart or some shit." Rio questions, pushing the chair back and standing up. Ash hums, nodding as he stands up, following after Rio.

Ash had never had someone apologize to him. It was a weird feeling for him, like his heart warmed or some shit. It made him feel sad, but happy at the same time. To have someone apologize for what he went through, even though it wasn't their fault.

Rio liked Ash. He knew he was good for Leilani, because they share one great thing in common. They both have fucked up pasts and daddy issues. He knew it would take a while for Leilani to get used to the idea of him being back, and he would patiently wait.

He had always wanted children, and he got lucky with two. He would die before he ever let them out of his grasp again.

authors note
short chapter bc ive been busy w boxing.
sorry not sorry.

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