twenty eight.

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BLACK SUNGLASSES are perched on my nose as I grip my backpack close to my body, staring at the double doors

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BLACK SUNGLASSES are perched on my nose as I grip my backpack close to my body, staring at the double doors. Students walk through the hallways, talking amongst each other like the world is fine. Shaking my head, I take a deep breath as I push open the door, my heart racing.

Whispers echo through the hallway as the random students look at me, their eyes roaming up and down my body. Using my free hand, I pull down my black skirt so it's farther down, smoothing out the wrinkles.

Dad re-enrolled me in school last week, after the surprise visit from Thomas; whom I actually find quite cool. When we woke up every morning, I would find him in the kitchen making breakfast, he hasn't stopped doing it. He also bought me new makeup and a guitar, and I didn't even need it.

A flash of blonde hair is caught in the corner of my eye, and I instinctively turn my head. Cassie stands next to Brayden, along with Nate beside her. She's staring me down, her bright green eyes filled with anger.

Planting a smile on my face, I nod at her and her eyebrows furrow slightly; a small crease forming between them. Waving politely, I continue walking, finding my old locker and unlocking it. Pulling the books I don't need out of my bag, I place them on the bottom shelf.

"Hey Leilani!" Rue exclaims, running up beside me and pulling my body into hers. Her curly hair gets in my face, but I laugh regardless. I missed her, and I can tell she missed me.

"Hi Rue." I smile, closing my locker as I grip the single book close to my chest. Rue looks my outfit up and down, her eyes slightly widened as she purses her lips.

"I see you've been doing well." She laughs, adjusting the falling strap of my tank top. Nodding with a small smile, she throws her arm around my shoulder and walks us through the hallway.

"You look good Rue, I'm proud of you." I tell her, looking slightly up at her. She looks down at me, her eyes filled with sincerity as she nods, ruffling my hair.

"Thank you, it means a lot." She replies, pulling me to the other side of the hallway to avoid the crossing students. Standing by her locker, she unlocks it and grabs her books as I look at Brayden walking with Cassie and Nate.

He's dressed differently. He always used to wear only jeans and a button up shirt, but now he's wearing a red wool sweater and black pleated pants. He's walking differently too, like he's full of confidence.

Elliot walks up beside us, looking at me. His eyes, just like everyone else's, go straight to my outfit. Pursing my lips, I look up at him as he meets my gaze, his eyes slightly narrowed.

"You look good kid." He pats my shoulder, and i furrow my eyebrows. The fuck does that mean? Did I look bad before? Whatever, I don't care.

 The fuck does that mean? Did I look bad before? Whatever, I don't care

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