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LEILANI was a bright girl

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LEILANI was a bright girl. She knew what she wanted, and she got it every time. She was the type of girl that you could ask absolutely anything, and she would know the answer. One thing she didn't know, is how to deal with her emotions.

She would cry, scream, yell, anything to get rid of the weight that would pound in her chest. It wasn't very healthy, but she was a teenage girl navigating her way through a fucked up world full of evil.

She wasn't very strong, but she would fuck you up if you were mean to her friends. That was the one thing I admired about her, she always defended you, even if you two were on bad terms.

Walking through the front door of Fez and Ash's house, Leilani waltzes over to the kitchen, throwing open the drawer and pulling out the big wooden spoon. Bending down, she takes a large pot out of the cabinet and smiles triumphantly. Banging the spoon against the pot, she walks down the hallway and into Ash's room.

"Come on sweetheart! Time to get up and go get spoiled!" Leilani yells, the rhythmic sound from the banging of the pot echoing through the room. Using her elbow, she switches on the light and Ash groans under his blanket.

"Fuck off!" Ash yells, pulling the large red blanket over his head and curling up into a ball in his bed. Leilani laughs loudly, continuing to bang the spoon against the pot.

"No sir! It's time to get up, I have the car running and Alex's credit card. Get up before I get Fez in here." She lectures, setting the pot and spoon down on the desk and walking over to his bed. Grabbing the top of the blanket, she pulls it off his body; exposing his shirtless torso and Cookie Monster pajama pants.

"Don't bring me into this! That's on you now!" Fez yells down the hallway, laughing to himself as he walks into the kitchen. Leilani groans, moving down the bed and grabbing his foot.

"If you don't get out this bed right now, you're getting dragged out." Leilani threatens, gripping onto his sock and squeezing tightly. Ash shoots his head up, sending her a sharp glare as he narrows his eyes.

"Let go of my foot or I'm gonna shoot you in the head." He threatens back, ripping his foot out her grasp and throwing himself out the bed; grabbing his sweatshirt from the end of the bed and throwing it over his head.

"Oh, okay tough guy." She mocks Cal, shaking her head as she grabs the pot and spoon, walking out of the bedroom and down the hallway to the kitchen.

"So where you bringing him?" Fez asks as he sits at the bar, a spoonful of cereal in his hand and his phone in the other.

"Uh-the mall first for sure. I need some more shit for my house, and y'all's needs a little decoration. I'm definitely gonna get some shit for Ash unless he decides to pay. I don't know, Alex told me to spend however much I wanted." Leilani shrugs, pushing herself up onto the counter and gripping the sides of it, swinging her legs out in front of her.

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