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I HAD NEVER seen Leilani so scared, since I've met her

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I HAD NEVER seen Leilani so scared, since I've met her. I can remember her entire body shaking as she screamed at me, telling me to run and then locking herself in the bathroom with the gun.

The pure look of horror that flashed across her face when she saw me, I never forgot it. The way her eyes were filled with tears, her once perfect mascara was running down her face and smudged. Blood covering her pretty pink sweatshirt, making it a dark red color.

"Leilani! Open the fucking door!" Fez screams as he beats on the door with his fist, his voice breaking with emotion as Ash stands behind him, his hands covering his ears.

Cops bust into the house, their red dots trained directly on Fez and Ash, Fez's voice cracking with everything scream he let out for the fifteen year old behind the wooden door.

"Don't shoot! Don't shoot! She's fucking fifteen!" Fez screams out, holding his hands up beside his head as Ash does the same, his hands shaking as he raises them to his shaved head.

"Drop the knife!" The SWAT officer yells, Fez's tears flowing freely as he drops the knife, placing his hands behind his head as Ash stands beside him; both their eyes trained on the door.

"Please, please don't shoot! That's my little sister in there! She's a kid! Please!" Fez pleads, sobs leaving his mouth as he stands in the middle of the hallway, Ash freely crying as he looks at his brother.

Leilani cries as she sits in the bathtub, a gun laying in her lap as he hands are held against the edge of the tub. Her sobs echo through the room as she looks at the wooden door, her sobs making her chest hurt.

Leilani was a lot like Ash in a way. When she felt threatened, she reacted with violence. It was all she knew, it was the way her brain was wired. As she sat in that bathtub with the gun laid in her lap, all she could think about was Alex and Joseph.

They had no idea what was happening at the moment, they were sat at home. Or at least that's what Leilani thought. In reality, Faye had texted Alex's phone, stealing his number from Leilani's minutes before she killed Custer.

"Shes a kid, please!" Fez screams once again, his throat raw as he hears footsteps run through the house, Alex and Joseph appearing behind the cops that hold them back.

"Shes a kid, please!" Fez screams once again, his throat raw as he hears footsteps run through the house, Alex and Joseph appearing behind the cops that hold them back

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"Where is she!" Alex screams, trying his hardest to get through to the hallway. Fez cries loudly, shaking his head as he looks at the ground, Ash's body shaking with fear beside him.

Everyone is caught by surprise when gunshots start ringing throughout the house, bullet holes being created in the door Leilani was hidden behind. A bullet hits Fez in the stomach, making him cry out in pain as he falls to the ground, Ash instantly falling to his knees beside his brother.

"Leilani!" Alex yells out, his body being held back by the large SWAT officer. Leilani gasps loudly as she stops shooting, the officers stopping as well. Her breathing is choked as she sets down the gun, pushing it off her lap.

The officers kick the door open, hitting her in the forehead. Crying out in pain, she falls back onto the ground, her hand instantly going to her head that started to bleed.

"I'm sorry! Please, please don't shoot!" She pleads out, pointing to the gun that was sat in the bathtub. One of the officers instantly pick up the gun, looking at her quickly.

Breathing heavily, she waits until they're distracted to pull the pistol out of the back of her waistband, clicking the safety off and aiming at the officers shoulder. A loud gunshot rings in the air as the officer falls back, a loud thud hitting the ground.

"Leilani!" Alex cries, hot tears streaming down his face as he makes eye contact with his sister. Her eyes instantly go to the cop in the middle of the hallway who was slowly moving his gun up, the red dot now trained on her chest.

"Please. I'm sorry." She sobs, shaking her head and dropping the gun, kicking it to the officer. The officer shakes his head, moving the dot up to her forehead, pausing for a second.

"Leilani!" Ash cries out, looking at the girl as she cries, her chest heaving and eyes narrowed as she looks at Ash and Fez. Her eyes move to Alex, mouthing a small 'I love you"

"Please don't shoot her! She's a fucking kid bro!" Joseph screams from next to Alex, his sobs echoing through the hallway. The officer breathes heavily, sniffing as he keeps the dot trained on her forehead.

"Tell Alo I'm sorry!" Leilani yells, closing her eyes as everything moves in slow motion. A loud gunshot rings through the air, Leilani's eyes still shut as she waits for the pain.

A loud thud is heard in the hallway, and Leilani breathes heavily as she opens her eyes, seeing Alex standing with a pistol; the officer that was going to shoot her now dead on the carpet.

Gunshots quickly begin to fire, Alex's body dropping to the ground as Leilani lets out a blood chilling scream, scrambling off the tile and running through the hallway; her body falling onto her brothers as she looks at his slowly dying body.

"Alex!" Joseph screams, the officer releasing his grip on the man as he drops to the floor, crouching next to Leilani as he hugs his body.

Leilani sobs into her brothers sweater, clinging onto the black fabric with all she had. Her hands are ripping from his body, handcuffs instantly wrapped around her wrists as she sobs loudly. The officer drags her body up, standing her up straight as the others do the same to Fez and Ash.

The officer walks her out of the house as she sobs loudly, her breathing choked as she looks at Fez and Ash being pulled out of the house in handcuffs, not even giving them time to recover. Her eyes trail down to the blood pooling on Fez's shirt, the gunshot she gave to him pouring.

"I'm so sorry!" She cries out, making eye contact with Ash as he nods once at her; his red rimmed eyes slightly narrowed. Leilani cries out as she gets slammed into the cop car, her face being pressed against the car.

"Aye, be careful with her!" Fez yells, his voice scratchy and throat raw. Ash sniffs as he looks at her tattooed face, the running mascara disappearing by the second.

"We're gonna be alright Leilani!" Joseph yells from across the alley, his own body being slammed into the cop car. Rue looks at her as she walks out the house in handcuffs, tears pooling in her eyes but refusing to fall.

"Is- is Alex okay?" Leilani asks, looking around at the officers as they crowd the house; tearing it apart for any evidence that Ash had killed Mouse.

"Shut up!" The officer holding her yells, slamming her body back against the car. She cries out as pain courses through her face, her jaw clenching as she makes eye contact with Ash.

Ash cried. And he wasn't scared to admit that he did, because they were just kids. Two dumb kids who felt threatened, taking it out the only way they knew how, with violence. It's how they were raised, and they couldn't change it now.

authors note
while we're all here, follow my editing account😜

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