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LEILANI ALWAYS loved a party

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LEILANI ALWAYS loved a party. On her free time when she wasn't huddled up in her brothers home studio, you would find her at a party. It didn't matter if she didn't know a single person there, she would interact with anyone who did as much as smiled at her.

She didn't get drunk, she only got high but not too high to where she didn't know where she was or what she was doing. She was safe with it, and made sure that if she needed to get out of there, she could. It just didn't work at the New Years party.

"Hey bitch!" Alo greets Leilani as she walks into the party, weaving her way through the random people dancing around and grinding on each other.

"Hi beautiful." Leilani kisses Alo's cheek, smiling at her. Alo hands her a drink, the red solo cup filled halfway with the clear vodka. Leilani gives her best friend a knowing look, who rolls her eyes and takes the cup back; downing it herself.

"I gotta pee." Leilani nudges Alo's shoulder, and the raven-haired girl nods. Leilani rushes through the random strangers, making sure to mutter a few 'excuse me's' as her combat boots pad against the flooring.

Leilani raises her eyebrows when she walks into the hallway, seeing Maddy beating on the door and jiggling the doorknob repeatedly. The girl in the black dress pauses when she sees Leilani, sending her a sweet smile before continuing the knocking.

"Open the fucking door Nate! I have to pee!" Maddy yells, using her fists to bang on the door and huffing with frustration. Leilani leans against the wall, crossing her legs to stop herself from having to pee for a few seconds.

Leilani wasn't as naive as Maddy, she knew why Nate was in there. She sees things that most people don't, and one thing she did see was Nate and Cassie go in the bathroom together.

She wanted to tell Maddy, but she wasn't sure if she was going to believe her. Considering that Cassie was Maddy's best friend, and most wouldn't believe that their best friend is fucking their ex who abused them.

I do wish she had told her though, because I regret being the one to. Of course, Maddy had the right to know, but I said it at the worst time. Nate hated Leilani because of her brother, who wanted his head on a silver platter delivered to him.

When Leilani and Alex first moved here, Nate had just broken up with Maddy for what felt like the millionth time. He was desperate, and needed a release so he went after the fifteen year old girl. Which, did not work a bit.

Leilani ended up breaking his nose, along with most likely lowering his chance of having children. Alex found out the day after, and held a gun to Nate's head and threatened him while Joseph held him down on the couch, a sick smile on both their faces.

Needless to say, Leilani and Nate don't get along. Alex made a promise that if he ever saw Nate in person again, he would kill him. What a coincidence that Alex was at the same party with Leilani where Nate was. Such a coincidence.

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