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LEILANI DIAZ was the smartest girl you would have ever met

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LEILANI DIAZ was the smartest girl you would have ever met. She may have seemed dumb and pretty on the outside, but she's like a human encyclopedia or dictionary. She was a lot like Lexi Howard in a way, she observed everything and stayed quiet.

"Hey Ash, you coming to school today?" Leilani asks the boy, throwing on her clothes. Ash looks up from his spot at the desk, looking her up and down then nodding once.

"Alright. I'll be outside." Leilani attempts to smile, but winces when the side of her jaw erupts with pain. Grabbing her bag, she throws it over her shoulder and walks out the front door.

Her converse scuff against the driveway, kicking the small rocks that sat in it. Her bag was thrown on her shoulder, her right hand clutching tightly onto it.

Leilani would be lying if she said she didn't have a fear of what happened at the party. The look that the random girl gave Leilani before fleeing terrified her. She shouldn't have been scared considering she's constantly surrounded by guns and violence; but she was.

That entire day, she looked over her shoulder almost every second. In class, in gym, at lunch, on the way home; she was terrified. Terrified of the girl coming back for another round that she wasn't sure she could win.

Ash walks out the front door, making sure to slam it and lock it secretly. Leilani smiles at him, waving her hand for them to start walking. Ash huffs, following after the girl as he clutches his backpack on his shoulder.

Arriving at the school, Leilani parts ways with Ash who goes to his first class, while Leilani goes to the courtyard. She had a free period first, so she took a seat on the stone stairs in the courtyard, pulling her phone out of her pocket.

Pushing herself off the stone steps, she tucks her phone in her pocket, pulling open the large wooden door and walking into the crowded hallway. Leilani scans the hallway, her eyes landing on Jules, Rue and a boy she didn't recognize.

"Yo, Rue." The random boy says as Leilani walks up to them, and Jules smiles down at her. Looking at each person in the little circle, she noticed how Rue was checking out when she saw the boy.

Leilani knew that I wasn't clean considering she did drugs with me every other day. She didn't rat me out though, she made sure I was okay. She would give me food, bring me water and sometimes even bathe me when I was too high to even know what planet I was on.

She understood in a way that even if I wanted to stop doing heavy drugs, it would be a long and difficult road. She stayed with me when I was going through withdrawals, and made me feel better about myself. Even if I did scream and hit her, she didn't budge.

"Hi, I'm Leilani. What's your name?" Leilani introduces, holding out her hand for the boy to shake. He reaches out for her hand, shaking it as he smiled sweetly at her.

"I'm Elliot." He nods, taking his hand out of her grip. Leilani turns her head to Rue, raising an eyebrow at the curly-haired girl who looks very uncomfortable.

Leilani felt the awkward tension between Elliot, Jules and I and immediately removed herself from the situation. I appreciated how she was smart about that, not getting tangled up in all my druggie drama.

"Well it was nice to meet you Elliot. Jules, you look very beautiful today. Have a good day guys!" Leilani walks away, her ponytail swaying as she walks, and Elliot raises an eyebrow at the girl.

"So who's she and why did she look like she got fucked ip by Mike Tyson?" Elliot asks Rue, looking at her as he points to the girl who was walking away. Rue furrows her eyebrows at Elliot, looking at him with confusion.

"She's my best friend. She's also fifteen and got in a fight at the New Years party." Rue explains, looking at Jules who was just awkwardly standing there trying to take in the information being thrown at her.

"Huh. Interesting." Elliot huffs, nodding and turning around; walking away from the two girls and towards his class.

I didn't know it then, but Elliot meeting Leilani was not a good idea at all.


Leilani breathes heavily as she runs laps around the track, her body filled with anxiety as she looks over her shoulder every time she takes another step; looking anxiously for the girl who caused the purple and black hues on her face.

Slowing her pace, she begins walking at a steady speed, her forehead glistening with sweat. Using her forearm, she brings it to her forehead and wipes her forehead, cringing in disgust. Her lungs burn as she calms her racing heart, placing her hand on her chest to feel her heartbeat slowing.

"Yo, Leilani!" Ash jogs up behind her, his hood over his head and black air forces scuffing against the track. Leilani whips her head around quickly, and Ash furrows his eyebrows at the girls response.

"Sorry. Thought you were that girl." Leilani apologizes, smiling at him as the two walk on the track, Ash's hands stuffed in his hoodie pockets.

"Also, how the fuck are you wearing that? It's like a hundred degrees." Leilani asks, pointing to his black hoodie that was lined with fleece. Ash shrugs, keeping his eyes ahead as he walks at the same pace as Leilani.

The bell ringing catches both students attention, and Leilani sighs contently as she jogs toward her backpack that's sat by the bleachers. Ash jogs up next to her, grabbing his and throwing it over his shoulder.

"Fez is picking us up." Ash tells her with no emotion on his face, and Leilani nods as they walk into the school; turning toward the front doors where Fez is parked on the curb.

Hopping in the backseat, her phone vibrates in her pocket repeatedly and Leilani furrows her eyebrows as she pulls out her phone; seeing a phone call from Lexi.

"Hello?" She answers the phone, putting it up to her ear as she leans back in the leather seats of the car.

"Hey! Cassie snitched to Cal about Fez and your brother." Leilani raised her eyebrows as her heart drops, her eyes widening slightly as she looks at Fez in the rear view mirror.

"You're at home with her right?" Leilani replies, her foot bouncing anxiously against the floorboards of the car as Fez pulls out of the school parking lot.

"Yes." Lexi tells her, and Leilani hums in response as her body fuels with anger, her once bad mood gone and now replaced with pure vengeance. Hanging up the phone, she places it in her pocket.

"Bring me to Cassie's house." Leilani deadpans, and Ash turns around with a confused expression on his face as Fez nods with the blunt hanging from his lips.

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