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A LOT HAS HAPPENED since the last time you saw Leilani alive and happy, well, not happy but, alive? She's alive, that's all that matters right now, so hush

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A LOT HAS HAPPENED since the last time you saw Leilani alive and happy, well, not happy but, alive? She's alive, that's all that matters right now, so hush. On with the story!!

Leilani had ended up dropping out of school, taking over her brothers drug dealing business and providing for them while he was in the hospital. She hadn't seen Ash or Fez since the day she shot the officer, resulting in her brother getting shot because he killed the officer. She assumed the siblings were laying low, staying out of public so they don't risk getting caught up again.

Leilani would be lying if she said she didn't miss Ash. He was a lot like her, and they had a bit in common. She had found herself falling for the boy, and she didn't realize it until they parted ways for the last time at court.

Faye, Fez, Ash and Leilani had gone to court, fighting their way through it and trying not to be pinned for Mouse's murder. The only viable evidence they had was that Mouse disappeared after arriving at Fez's, but not a body.

Using all the money her brother had saved up, Leilani saved them from going to jail. Leilani ended up pleading not guilty to the murder of Custer, resulting in a month and a half of probation because there was no evidence she had done it; everyone there was covered in his blood, and Fez had wiped the knife down.

I got sober, thank fuck. I feel so much better, being able to control my own body and my own thoughts. Leilani got prescribed new meds, so she didn't have episodes every other month. She's now happy, all the time and I adore it.

Alex had only been shot twice, in the stomach and leg. He lost a lot of blood, but the doctors were able to save him. After Alex was shot, Leilani started taking over his business, his customers, she was making all the money now. Hanging around drug dealers for three months will really do something to you, and damn did that girl turn out lowkey badly.

She had completely changed her whole dynamic. Changed her hairstyle, chopping off six inches of her hair and now being left with a wolf cut. Her style has changed, only wearing skinny jeans and champion shit, a lot like BB's style.

She also joined the cheer team. Big fucking surprise right? Little Leilani who was always so nice joining the number one cult in the world. She had become a two faced bitch, and I can say that because she can't do anything to me..considering she is dead.

Leilani sits in her brother room, multiple stacks of cash sat beside her as she counts them individually, wrapping color coded bands around the cash. Alex lays in his bed, a glass of orange juice on the bedside table as he watches his little sister count the money with a straight face.

The siblings had grown closer, now barely spending a minute apart. After Alex saw Leilani in the position of life and death, he would be damned before he lets that shit happen again. He now spends every night hanging out with her, making sure she's okay.

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