Introductions and Disclaimers.

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YOOOOOO so eager to get started!

I've had this idea for a story ever since watching Casserole's Cyberpunk animatic, and now, with a little help from some friends and one special Avian boi in particular, it's comin' out.

Okay, quick thing: I have no technological experience, and I most certainly have no clue how a real AI would think and behave. This story is more for funsies than a serious attempt to portray what you'll find in here, so if you think it's unrealistic, or I get some programmer stuff wrong...welp. I apologize. Still, this is supposed to be a fun, fluffy story, and I'm hoping it brings happiness to whoever reads it.

There will be some minor sadness in this story, mainly because I actually cannot imagine writing a good tale without some struggle, partly because it actually serves to make more fluff. Don't worry, it's gonna be great most of the way through.

Alright, so have fun, everybody, and I hope you enjoy the softness I have planned for you all. Despite the cover to this book.

I Am Learning, Ph1LzAWhere stories live. Discover now