It Is Better to be Plain

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This next chapter is dedicated to Ink_Paint, Golden-Glitch and midnightstar_23 because I saw their comments, and though I could not then respond, I want them to know they did not go unnoticed. Thank you all so much! I can't tell you enough how much it meant to me to see other people wanting me to continue this story. (Happy hugs and bouncings from me)

Ph1LzA took a while to recover from the overload of emotions that flooded him after Trixtin had reciprocated his affection for her. It was an enormous relief to him, but more than made him lightheaded with joy. He laughed after he'd cried for several minutes together. Thoughts flitted in and out of his mind and he hardly knew what they were or recalled them afterwards. When at last he lifted his head, Ph1LzA saw the still staring red eyes of Techno on his screen.

"Mate," he said, his voice still breathless with wonder, "did saw that, right? You saw what she said?"

I did indeed, Ph1LzA. Trixtin's reaction to your confession was quite satisfactory.

Ph1LzA laughed all over again and fell back in his seat. "That's one way of putting it!" He cried, running his hands through his hair. "It was...Techno, I don't know how to describe it to you. It was...I think the best word might be 'blissful', but...I hardly know how else to put it."

Based on your reaction and base pattern shifts, I believe that is an appropriate word. Ph1LzA?

"Yeah, mate?"

May MissTrixtin come here? She would be a great support for you, and you for her, during this time of hiding from EGG. Besides, I would like to meet someone who has such an effect on you and test out the effect she would have on me and vice versa.

That was a sobering thought to Ph1LzA. His first instinct was to say "yes", then "no". He hesitated. "I...I don't know, Techno. She has a life right now. And EGG's not looking for her. If she were to come here, we would be putting her in danger."

Isn't she already, since she has an affection for you? Her attachment could make her careless, as could your own.

Ph1LzA made no reply. Techno was right, but that didn't mean Trixtin should come here. Wouldn't she rather keep the life she had than be on the run? Even though Techno was capable of protecting them both, Ph1LzA's conscience sputtered at the idea of asking somebody to join him in hiding. Especially someone whom he'd just confessed his feelings to. He checked his phone.

This made me smile so much...I didn't realize how much it meant to me. Your interest, I mean. Thank you for coming out and saying it, because I'm not sure when I would've. 🖤

The little message warmed Ph1LzA's heart. He texted back, each word feeling lighter than any other time he'd sent a message.

I have a friend to thank on my end; he encouraged me to tell you, other wise I would've remained pretty quiet about it. I'm just glad you feel the same.

Her response was pretty quick and it made Ph1LzA laugh.

Yooooooo introvert issues pogggg!

He didn't see it right away, but the Techno's red eyes gave way to another blank message screen, where several words appeared:

She makes you happy.
What is that like, CrowFatheR?
Your code is acting strangely. I've never seen people behave like this. I don't know what it means. I just know you're happy.
What is happiness, CrowFatheR?

Ph1LzA, meantime, was texting something else to Trixtin.

Maybe someday we can meet up irl? If you'd like.

I Am Learning, Ph1LzAWhere stories live. Discover now