Learn to Be Human

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While Techno was guiding Trixtin towards him, Ph1LzA was spending his time choosing a location for her to live. And this he took more care with than he had with his own, wandering from room to room, examining the space of each, planning out designs in his head. All the while there was a jittery happiness in the back of his mind that he was trying not to focus on too much.

Techno helped with that. The AI texted him through his phone, pointing out ways they could "make MissTrixtin's stay more comfortable", as he put it. Since all those ways involved spending EGG's money, Ph1LzA was a little nervous about choosing any of them. He didn't want Trixtin in any more danger than she already was.

At last, they'd decided that the most suitable place would probably be directly next to the server room. This area was rather large and could, if Ph1LzA was being honest with himself, accommodate the two of them, but he felt a little awkward with that arrangement. The hacker stood in the spacious room, holding his phone and gazing about him. "It's going to be a while before this is any kind of acceptable home, mate."

It is all we have to offer.

"Yeah." Ph1LzA checked the tracking on what items Techno had bought one more time. They were ten minutes closer than the last time he'd looked. "Well...how is EGG?"

Still on the hunt, Ph1LzA. But they have not yet found the Chat, which is good. All signs indicate they are looking more into your projects and your movement patterns than your friends for the present.

"That's good." Ph1LzA murmured. "That's very good. But they could change their tactics any day, and then we could be in trouble."

I could set up a different Chat. One disguised to EGG, but not to your Crows.

Ph1LzA considered for a moment. "I mean...as long as it didn't draw attention. I know they miss talking to each other already." And he missed talking to them. The community of his Crows was, honestly, the only community Ph1LzA had ever really enjoyed. They were safe people, trustworthy in their own ways and rebellious little scoundrels. He missed their humor, their cheeky banter. "Could you make that, please?"

There was silence from Techno for almost a second before he replied. I just have. And the link to the new chat was sent an instant later. Ph1LzA grinned.

"Thanks, mate." He retraced his steps to get back to the server room and sat down at his computer again.

The rest of the Crows have also been notified of the existence of the new Chatroom. They should be here soon.

Ph1LzA signed in. Nobody else was there for the moment, so he quickly took the honor of typing First! into the chat and waiting for a response. Surprisingly, Wilbur responded in a few moments with aaaa you beat me dad.

"So he's online." Ph1LzA checked his texts, but Wilbur had not yet responded to what he'd sent earlier. "Hmm." He quickly typed a reply to Wilbur: Hey! What's up, mate?

Nothing much yet
Just sitting in my car
Pretending to have a life

While the answer made him laugh, Ph1LzA still worried about the young man. He wished Wilbur would say more. But the public nature of the Chat meant Wil would probably keep whatever he was doing to himself for now.

What happened with the previous Chat, Phil?

Ph1LzA made his response quickly. EGG decided to have a go at figuring out who I am, so the Chat had to be shut down. Wanted to keep you guys safe and out of the spotlight. But this place is under the radar, so we're good for now.

How's it feel to be a real criminal?

Jealous, Wil?

I'd make a better criminal anyway

I Am Learning, Ph1LzAWhere stories live. Discover now