The Effort of Years

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Ph1LzA explored the warehouses under The Blade's direction, searching for the computers that would house the massive virus. Sure enough, he eventually located them under one of the better-looking buildings, down some stairs that had been blocked off by heavy metal crates. It took him some time to drag them out of the way.

However, as soon as he'd descended the stairs, the hacker was greeted by a very strange sight. A dark green bulb had been fixed into the florescent light on the ceiling, and as soon as he flipped the switch, the whole room was bathed in emerald light. Smile faces, each one exactly the same, had been drawn on the walls, though they were so faded by now they were hard to make out. A large metal table stood in the middle of the room and on top of the table was a keyboard and a large TV screen, with several cables connected to the latter. The cables themselves led to ten or twelve servers, which stood silent on the opposite end of the room. Draped over the servers was a tattered and stained banner, which bore a single name: Dreamwa-

Ph1LzA stopped dead. "Dream." The memories that came with the word were distressing, but old. He'd gotten over what his rival had done to him years ago. He took out his phone and carefully snapped a few pictures of what he saw, hoping The Blade would be able to make more sense of this than he could.

Mate? Do you see this?

The Blade was silent for three seconds. Then it replied:

I was not aware this was the place, Ph1LzA Min3crAfT. I apologize for
Memory file corrupted
Retrieval initiated
Memory file locked
Master key required
CrowFatheR, I require your assistance.

Ph1LzA stared at the texts. There was that name again. That name he'd left behind almost fifteen years ago.

Alright. What do you need?

The Blade's red eyes appeared on his phone screen.

I need you
My memory files are locked, Ph1LzA. I cannot access them. They require your master key. Please activate the servers so I can download into the storage space. Then you

There was another pause. Ph1LzA's heart thumped as his anticipation grew, as his eagerness began to rise. But he waited. He gave the virus time to think.

Then you may examine my code.

Ph1LzA darted to the servers. The generator above was on, power was already flowing through the cables. All he had to do was plug in these wires, press those buttons, watch for that light to turn on, run back and examine the cables running from the servers to the TV screen. He returned to the basement and got his phone's charging cord from his backpack, then connected it to the main server. The Blade started its download.

It will take me a few minutes to complete the transfer, Ph1LzA. Is there anything you want to ask in the meantime?

He had so many questions. He had so much he wanted to know. Ph1LzA glanced at the time on his phone screen. 3:47 am. He grinned. He had a lot of time before his weariness would catch up to him. Ph1LzA began to type out his reply.

Why'd you call me CrowFatheR? Did you know Dream? Why do you need my Master Key, and what Master Key are you talking about 'cause I've never worked on you before? Have you been in this place before? Do you know why Dream was here?
Any of those will do for now.

He sent the text. More questions crowded his mind, but most of them required The Blade to be able to access his memory. So for now, he'd have to wait.

Your first question will be answered shortly, Ph1LzA. As will the question regarding the Master Key. Regarding Dreamwastaken and this place, however, I may be able to speak.
This place remains in some of my earliest memories. Often Dreamwastaken would provide me with pictures of this place and inform me that this was "home". I did not believe him, and though I still do not, I am no longer sure why. Those reasons are locked behind the same firewalls as keep my memories from me. Does that answer your question, Ph1LzA?

I Am Learning, Ph1LzAWhere stories live. Discover now