A switch in Priorities

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Ph1LzA spent an hour trying to capture The Blade. He couldn't just let it fall into the hands of EGG and as for letting it run rampant through the servers...well, despite his mistrust, EGG was an important corporation. Their research and work was benefiting people around the world, Ph1LzA couldn't just stand aside and let it all be destroyed. So he went back and forth between tempting the program with tasty code tidbits and trying to re-start their original conversation, for as soon as it had sent the last message, The Blade had resumed its attack on EGG servers.

For a while, the hacker despaired of finding a weakness. Nothing he was trying seemed to make a dent. Eventually he stopped typing and just watched the screen. He was hoping to gain some insights from seeing how The Blade worked.

His stillness didn't last long, however, for a few seconds in, the red eyes were back.

Are you giving up?

The hacker smiled. He couldn't tell if the program was taunting him or asking a genuine question. Either way, he found it amusing.

No, but I'm currently out of ideas.

The eyes closed. Puzzled, Ph1LzA shifted his position and hunched closer over the laptop. When the eyes opened again, Ph1LzA started, for he could see an image of one of his own programs in them.

Did you make this, Ph1LzA Min3crAfT?

"Why would you care...?" Ph1LzA murmured under his breath, his fingers already dancing over the keys.


Another image was displayed. Still one of Ph1LzA's work.

Did you make this, Ph1LzA Min3crAfT?

Utterly confused, Ph1LzA typed out another affirmative. And when a third program, yet again his own, was shown, he said yes once more. "What are you driving at?" He muttered.

Did you look me up?

Yes. And based on your skill level, I judge that you are worth conversing with.

Ph1LzA choked. "Did I just get evaluated?" He sat stunned for a few seconds. "Well..."

Okay, but if we're going to talk, I'd like to do it somewhere more private. EGG may be watching.

They cannot see us. I have control of the cameras.

"Of course you do," Ph1LzA chuckled. He'd have to find another way.

Yeah, well I actually can't stay long. EGG hired me to stop you, and since that's not happening, I'll be leaving shortly. If you want to keep talking, you'll have to come with me.

The Blade's response was immediate.

That is acceptable.

The hacker's eyes narrowed. Blue and red reflected in each other's gazes for the next few seconds.

You really mean that?

I do not lie, Ph1LzA Min3crAfT. I will remain in your laptop and you will leave the premises of the EGG offices.

Well that was unexpected. Ph1LzA was used to how fast a computer could think and react, but he hadn't been prepared for such a complete agreement. He hesitated again, his mind racing to understand The Blade's decision.

I do not lie.

As if to prove its point, The Blade showed Ph1LzA how it was draining from the various EGG servers. Little by little its code vanished from among the bits of wrecked programs and emptied into the hacker's laptop. Ph1LzA wasn't sure how his little computer could hold all that software, and he might not be able to actually use it until he could put The Blade somewhere with a little more storage space, but at least it was working.

I Am Learning, Ph1LzAWhere stories live. Discover now