Two Makes Company, And Home

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The day supplies began arriving near the warehouse was an important one for Ph1LzA and Trixtin. They had to begin moving what things Techno had bought inside and then to whatever locations were appropriate. It was hard work for both of them, but especially for Ph1LzA. Most of his life he'd spent at a computer and the heaviest thing he'd probably lifted in his life would be a desk. The pair took breaks every now and then, eating some of the food that had arrived even earlier to help recover their strength. They laughed when they saw that, in addition to the very nutritious food Techno had gotten them, things like candy, soda and pastries were among the groceries. The AI didn't appear to understand why they thought this funny, however.

Humans do not simply require fuel, as is evidenced by the entirety of human history. The enjoyment of food is part of the experience of every human meal, as I have observed, and the lack of enjoyment is greatly detrimental to the continued mental health of each individual. I have acted upon such premises and my conclusion seems to have pleased you, rendering my judgement sound. I am as of yet unable to determine why this makes you laugh.

Ph1LzA and Trixtin received this as a group text on their phones while they were sitting in the ground floor of the warehouse, just inside the front doors. Trixtin covered her face with both hands and giggled. "Technoooooooo!"

"Mate," Ph1LzA grinned, "it's funny because we don't normally imagine machines as empathetic enough to get us happy foods. We usually picture robots and beings like that perceiving food as no more than fuel. So to see you handing us things that are generally considered bad for a person's health is just funny."

There was a brief pause before Techno responded. Happy foods. Empathetic? Humans have strange concepts in all regards, Ph1LzA. I did not use empathy in this instance; merely information. Any robot or machine should be capable of doing the same. Even considered as fuel, food should be able to provide the greatest possible assistance to those consuming it. This cannot be restricted to nutritional value alone.

The two humans burst out laughing and continued their snack. Then, with Techno's help, they began assigning rooms. Kitchen, sleeping rooms, etc. all had to be figured out. Trixtin insisted on setting up the storage room, where they planned to keep whatever spare items and replacements they had. "You pick which rooms you want, but I have a way I like things to be laid out."

"Well..." Ph1LzA offered, "why don't we work on them together instead? It'll be easier for us both to understand how each room works if we're both involved." This Trixtin accepted and they began sorting through the furniture Techno had bought for them.

A fridge, two couches, three chairs, a table, a stove, a massive freezer that could have held a body and still had room left over, tupperware of all sizes, silverware, pots, pans, cooking utensils, two desks, another monitor for Trixtin, another table but longer and which was referred to as Your worktable, MissTrixtin, multiples pairs of gloves, several sets of clothes for each...the list went on and on. Even working all day, it wasn't finished by the time the sun went down.

Trixtin collapsed into a green patterned armchair with a sigh that expelled her entire lung capacity. "Oh gosh, and there's even more to do tomorrow."

Ph1LzA, breathing hard, nevertheless tried to keep his own weariness hidden and set about making dinner for them both. "Sandwiches, Trixtin?" She made an effort to get up, but Ph1LzA waved her back down. "I just asked if this is what you'd want for dinner, not if you could make them. You're tired out, so rest up, okay? Sandwiches?"

"You, sir," she replied gratefully, "are a saint. Sandwiches sound great. Peanut butter and jelly, please. I think we have blueberry..."

Pb&j? Aw, she's such a kid. And with a definitely satisfied grin, Ph1LzA turned back to their new fridge, retrieving the blueberry preserves they'd been given. "You want two? Three? And what's to drink?"

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