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Now that things between Ph1LzA and Trixtin were settled, in a manner of speaking, things were easier. Shyness around Trixtin vanished, to Ph1LzA's great surprise, and he found himself able to pet her shoulder or look her in the face without feeling like an intruder. In fact, hers became the only eyes he actually liked looking at, besides Techno's silent red ones. He could experiment with little pet names without feeling like a fool, because Trixtin loved his attempts, and finding ways to make her happy were no longer nerve-wracking; she returned every bit of the affection he felt for her with an open heart. It made Ph1LzA feel wanted and he was very conscious of a protectiveness that was growing in him for Trixtin. For once, he believed himself capable of carrying through with that emotion.

As for Techno, he seemed relieved that things had finally come to fruition. He also began calling Trixtin CrowMotheR on occasion, which delighted her very much, and asked if she would like that designation entered into his files on her. Apparently he had files on everyone he'd ever encountered.

Ph1LzA and Trixtin decided not to tell about their relationship Chat right away, deciding that they would take some time to become comfortable with it first. "But we will have to tell them," Ph1LzA said, "eventually. If they don't guess it first, that is."

"Eventually." Trixtin agreed, handing him a cookie. "But not yet." She leaned over her worktable, where they both were standing. "For now, I think I've completed Techno's base design. I know what needs to be underneath it all. But covering...all the circuitry..." She paused, humming thoughtfully. "I wonder if we couldn't just start with the base and figure out the rest later. I'm no plastic surgeon, so even though I want him to have a face at some point, we may have to put that on hold until we have the resources for it. However," and she moved suddenly away from the table, to a farther part of the room where more machines and a small workspace had been set up, "I do want to test something out with you." Trixtin's smile was welcoming and sweet, encouraging Ph1LzA forward.

"What is this?" He asked, reaching out to touch the circular base of a machine that greatly resembled a coffeemaker, only with more fancy parts. A glass circle in the base faced the upper part, where what looked like a lense was aimed straight downwards. Trixtin's answering explanation helped a little bit. She said it was a type of hologram projector, where a small image could be seen in the open space between the glass circle and the lens, and it could be edited by plugging a computer into the machine, installing the correct apps and typing commands to make adjustments.

"This is what I thought we could use to make 3D adjustments to Techno's face design, for whenever we get the chance to actually make him a face." She said, stroking the machine much the same way Ph1LzA stroked Techno's monitor. "I know we have programs for this kind of thing," she added, rather hesitantly, "but...but it's a hologram. It's fun to mess with, and it looks really like a sci-fi film. Not that those get a lot right anyway, but I wanna try at least a little bit!" Trixtin grinned.

That was all he needed to hear. "Then we'll try it." Ph1LzA reached up, giving her shoulder a quick pat. "And if it doesn't work, then we'll fall back on the program."

Techno appeared to be intrigued by the hologram as well, for as soon as he was told what was happening, he requested that he examine it. Ph1LzA plugged his laptop into the machine, whereupon it began whirring to life and various holograms appeared, were worked on and discarded in a matter of seconds. Then Techno's words typed themselves into Ph1LzA's screen.

I can understand Trixtin's interest in this machine. I myself find it functional to our needs, albeit unremarkable. It will suit. What base did you have in mind for the face you wanted?

Trixtin blew out a long breath. "That's...I had a lot, actually, but...." She put her hands down on some papers. "Look, Techno, I know you said you don't actually care what you look like, but for my sake would you choose? I'd much prefer giving you a face you had some part in accepting."

I Am Learning, Ph1LzAWhere stories live. Discover now