My First Choice

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Ph1LzA spent most of the day talking to The Blade, and he learned several things about it. First, that it had little to no knowledge concerning its origins, except for a few fragmented pieces of code it was still able to access. However, The Blade assured him that this was not the same thing as forgetting.

Computers do not forget, Ph1LzA Min3crAfT. But certain backup memory files may be deleted, destroyed, corrupted, or locked.

Second, the hacker learned that The Blade was certain that it was not alive because of its Code Commands. These complex pieces of code, buried deep within The Blade's program, gave the virus certain rules and basic guidelines that it followed consistently. Several of these included the assertion that The Blade was nothing more than a carefully detailed program designed for hacking.

Ph1LzA actually got to see some of these Commands at work when he discovered that The Blade had infiltrated his Chat and was posing as a Crow because of the Core Commands "E" and "Takeover". As The Blade eventually explained, "Takeover" was the order to seek out and investigate any unknown program or website that could be perceived as a threat. However "E"...was merely a chaos command. "E" was to be carried out either if the investigated site was not a threat or if The Blade was itself under scrutiny.

Where did these Core Commands come from, mate?

They were created and installed by various programmers who have accessed my code over the course of my existance.

Ph1LzA sighed. It saddened him to know that this virus had been so manipulated. If The Blade had been like any other program, he wouldn't have cared so much. But it was so much more. It talked with him, without most of the usual problems computers could have when it came to human specificity. It was curious, despite its continued denials that it felt anything. Ph1LzA could not see it as just another program.

The third thing he learned about The Blade was that it appreciated skill. The virus showed continued disdain for hackers who fell short of a specific standard, which Ph1LzA seemed to have met. It spoke with him about the code he had put together, about the ideas he'd once held for creating something truly complex, truly alive. And while they differed on their ideas of what being alive really meant, The Blade did not drop the subject.

Finally, the fourth thing Ph1LzA learned was that he was valued. The Blade saw him as important somehow, and the way he learned this was rather abrupt. It was night, almost half a week after Ph1LzA had taken The Blade from the EGG servers, and the hacker was on his Chat, doing some mild parenting. The Blade was there too, still posing as a Crow, though Ph1LzA was not quite sure if it would ever reach the level of chaos that people like Tommyinnit or WilburSoot reached. Or Quackity, for that matter.

Trixtin was in the Chat too. Her name had set a warm glow off in Ph1LzA's chest the moment she logged on, and he was having to be very careful not to alert the Crows to his emotions towards her. She had already been told the story of how Ph1LzA managed to sneak away with The Blade and he'd taken a screenshot of her congratulations. It still made him so shy and happy to re-read her words....

At the moment, though, Ph1LzA was busy trying to make sure the Crows didn't peck too much at each other. They tended to get competitive when it came to their Dadza, and just now everyone was ganging up on Georgenotfound for sleeping through most of the Chat's sessions. He kinda deserved it, but Ph1LzA still knew when enough was enough. He messaged Tommyinnit and Tubbo_, who he secretly suspected were brothers. Dude, that's enough, leave George alone. He probably just in another time-zone.

He's from Kinoko, Phil. It's not THAT big of a diff.
Com om Phil, we just wanma laff at Gogy.

I Am Learning, Ph1LzAWhere stories live. Discover now