When the Details Grew Thick and Fast

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Autumn was close upon them, and every ray of the sun was gold as it fell through the windows of their home. Ph1LzA and Trixtin worked on building Techno his new body side by side, each focusing on the aspects they were best at. On his end, Ph1LzA was dealing with multiple issues at once, for Techno had at last finished processing the CrowFatheR bits of code that had reacted to Dream's attempts to convince him that he was not alive. Ph1LzA had that to look at, in addition to Techno's sudden alert that Wilbur had changed his routine and was now in an apartment near the EGG building, and had remained there for days. Then there was Chat.

Something had been happening with the Crows that they wouldn't tell Ph1LzA about, or even each other. Each seemed to have something they were hiding, but if any pointed questions were asked, the Crows danced away or around them. Ranboo especially was odd, logging in and out at seemingly more and more random intervals until even Tubbo had no idea where he was when questioned. Michael said he missed his "foster dad". Sam and Puffy were evasive about their activities and talked mostly about illegal heists they'd never pull off. Quackity, Fundy, Tommy, Jack and Foolish spent their time almost exclusively on the server every single day, sharing wild conspiracy theories concerning EGG and spinning ideas that had Ph1LzA worried for their safety.

The only one the Chat seemed at ease around was Cyberknife. Techno's extensive knowledge of each of the Crows enabled him to talk in exactly the ways that reassured them, even made them feel safe around him. Of course, everything he learned, Techno took back to Ph1LzA. And this was how the hacker found out that most of the Crows had lost their jobs, that Ranboo was dealing with problems at home, that Sam and Puffy had issues at their work that made them resent whoever was in charge. Nikki and Hannah were compulsively engaging in their respective hobbies to the point of excessiveness because the one hadn't heard from Wilbur in almost a week and the other was distraught over a city park being torn down to make room for more industrial plants.

In the Server Room, Ph1LzA sat back in his chair, taking in a long breath. "Mate? You seeing any pattern in what's going on?"

Techno replied instantly. I do. And not only because of my digital capabilities, Ph1LzA; I have access to much of what EGG is occupied in doing, and a great deal of it is affecting not only the Crows, but people all over the city. Even the Badlands and beyond are feeling the effects, Ph1LzA. The EGG is expanding.

"...expanding how?" Asked Ph1LzA. His apprehension began to rise and he took a firm hold of the arms of his chair, trying to keep it down.

The AI is sending out what can be characterized as "feelers" into various businesses, corporations, into computer systems wherever it can. Presumably its goal is to take control in as many places as possible.
I have been analyzing its movements so far. The evidence presented allows for one conclusion: the EGG AI has goals beyond the future of the company it resides in. It seeks influence and control wherever it gains access. What resources it acquires are funneled into itself and only partially beneficial to its host corporation. Whether Sir Billiam is aware of this course of action is unclear.

"And that's why the Chat's not doing great?" Ph1LzA said, though he felt sure he knew the answer. "EGG's been disregarding the humans around it."

That is so.

And Wilbur was trying to go after the thing. Ph1LzA blew out a long, nervous breath. "Is there anything we can do, mate?"

In a manner of speaking. I mentioned to you that certain parts of my programming, those exclusively under CrowFatheR code, reacted to the reminder of Dreamwastaken's attempts to control me. Recently those parts have been fully explored and comprehended.

Ph1LzA leaned forward again. His fingers drummed on the desk. "What did you find?"

It appears that certain subroutines had, under prepared and premade commands, initiated their own Core Command. This was known as The Blade. It is a name I used, but I was not aware that it came from within myself. Because of my limited knowledge, I was unable to access certain abilities this Command gave me. Now, however, I am able.
I have not yet accessed this Core Command. Do you give permission for this access, CrowFatheR?

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