Progress on Two Fronts

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The Core Command Way of the Passive actually proved relatively easy to subjugate, once Ph1LzA realized the cypher used by whoever had created the code. It wasn't too deeply rooted in Techno's system, since it was mostly being used as a firewall against the fulfillment of certain parts of his code. Once that was done, Ph1LzA began looking deeper, searching for the next Core Command to dismantle. It was then that Techno gave him a puzzling message.

Ph1LzA, I have a favor to ask of you.
Would you consider only eliminating certain of the Core Commands and leaving others? I have found that some of these are actually quite useful, and some I have grown to rely on. E, for example, enables me to further interact with humans and to be as unpredictable as an entity such as myself may be.
Others, such as L-iminate, provide me with the means to automatically put up firewalls if a threat is detected. Etc. It is, in general, useful to leave at least a few of these in operation.

Ph1LzA paused, staring thoughtfully at the words on his screen, made brighter because of the darkness in his room. "How do I know which ones to leave alone?" He asked, still unsure about the request in general.

I will give you a list of those I wish to keep.

Thinking over Techno's words, Ph1LzA slowly nodded. "Alright, mate. If you're sure, like, really sure. I don't want to leave something in you that could be used to take you over."

I have ensured that none of the Core Commands on my list shall present such a threat. As you remove those which are inhibiting me, my capabilities grow and I am more able to handle these issues myself. For the moment, I am yet restrained by Core Commands 101, Stringsonme, TheAx, Pl4sticw4re, Shields and by 41514·20 most of all.
Remove these, Ph1LzA, and I shall be able to take care of the rest myself.

Ph1LzA narrowed his eyes, recognizing two of the Commands and knowing the second one belonged to Dream. His fingers tensed on the keys. "Which one shall I work on first, mate?" He said quietly.

While 41514·20 is currently restraining my ability to remove the Core Commands of my own accord, I would appreciate it if you were first able to eliminate Pl4sticw4re. Certain diagnostics I have run on myself suggest that this is a particularly important Command, and it was placed within me by Dreamwastaken at some point soon after he had taken me.

"Well then." Ph1LzA leaned closer over the keyboard. "Looks like I'm in for a long night."

Ph1LzA, wait. You need not attempt this work all in a night. I do not wish to wear you down; this is a long-term project.

At those last words, a frustration which had been building up in Ph1LzA's heart suddenly ignited and he glared at the screen. "A project? Techno, you are my child, the work I labored over for years of my life. You've been restrained against your will, had dozens of who knows what kind of people try their hand at controlling you, been stolen and manipulated by my rival-this is not a project, Techno! This...this is..." Words failed him and he lay his head down on the desk. "This is so much more than a project." The anger festered inside him, bitterly seeking release and finding none. When he looked back up, once he had managed to control himself again, he saw Techno's response on the screen.

I apologize. I did not intend my words to convey that meaning.
I thought you and MissTrixtin were exaggerating when calling me your child.
Apparently I have misjudged both of you.

"Techno!" Ph1LzA sighed. "Of course we're not exaggerating. I just...I'm not good at being open with other people. So it's hard to say things like that unless I'm...provoked." The chair creaked as he shifted in it. "Look, you understand now, and all I want is take these things out of you. I'm going to get on it."

I Am Learning, Ph1LzAWhere stories live. Discover now