1: Someone New

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Business was going by same as usual, it's always nice to see the same friendly faces come in and bring new conversations for you to listen to while working.

People from almost everywhere would visit. Sometimes explorers, mercenaries, or business men who look like they make millions would come just to have a drink.

Occasionally some customers would bring their Motharian slaves for carrying their equipment.

You felt a little uneasy for seeing slaves in your bar but kept it to yourself, it's the fact that they look so lifeless when they stand there.

One of your customers who recently became of friend of yours noticed you were acting strange.

Boyce: "You look troubled."

Y/n: "Oh, heh... Don't mind me, I'm just thinking."

Boyce: "About?"

Y/n: "Nothing... So how's the wife?"

Boyce: "*Sigh* Not good, I'm currently going through a divorce."

Y/n: "Shit man, you gonna be okay?"

Boyce: "Give me a drink on the house and I'll think about it."

Y/n: "Nice try, you still haven't paid your tab."

Boyce: "Well shit..."

He finished the rest of his drink.

Boyce: "I think I've troubled you long enough... G'day... D- don't worry, I'll pay for my tab tomorrow I think..."

He paid for his drink for the night as he started stumbling towards the door.

Y/n: "You need me to walk you home man?"

Boyce: "Nah-- I'll-- I'll be alright... *hic*"

The rest of your shift went by smoothly after he left, after hours the bar was beginning to close soon.

A part of you felt really bad for Boyce so before you thought about going to bed you went out to see if he made it home.

Thankfully the town was small enough that he couldn't get lost.

After a few minutes of walking you came to a bridge and Boyce was there but sitting on the edge.

Y/n: "Hey Boyce, you alright?"

Boyce: "She... She kicked me out..."

Y/n: "Boyce?..."

You were extremely concerned as you slowly walked up to him.

Boyce: "Heh, you ever think that love is just some joke people make in order to have sex?"

Y/n: "Hey man, come over here let's talk."

He looked up at the sky.

Boyce: "I've got nothing... She took everything from me..."

He slowly leaned off the edge which made you quickly run up and catch his wrist.

Boyce: "What are you doing?..."


Boyce: "Then what am I supposed to do?..."

You pull him up.

Y/n: "What you're supposed to do first is get over it, yes it's unfair and yeah some people would argue that there's nothing left to do. First of all how long has this divorce been going on for?"

Boyce: "What does it matter?"

Y/n: "Just answer the damn question!"

Boyce: "2 days..."

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