10: Supper

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(A/n: I wanted to fix a few things, I was not satisfied with the end of this chapter when it was first released.)

The shift went by very unusual at first, the patrons were still going on about how you whooped that one guy's ass in public.

Some of the customers were staring at Tyrena's body due to her clothes being skin tight.

You later on showed Astrella the kitchen where the cooking utensils were as well as the food she'd like to cook.

It was clear that you're going to have to find a way to get a steady supply of food if you're going to be serving meals or at the very least snacks to your customers.

There's also going to be imperial superiors who are going to get suspicious that you're running a restaurant without a permit.

Y/n: 'Like my mother once said, you can only eat one chunk of an urkasoy at a time.'

(A/n: Urkasoys are mutated bears.)

You allowed Astrella to simply test her skills on cooking, not actually serving food to patrons just yet.

Half way through the shift you were contemplating life and other useless topics in your mind as you were cleaning some steins and whiskey glasses.

You had three patrons simply drinking at the counter and observing you.

Patron 1: "...So... More girls, huh?"

Y/n: "YeuP."

Patron 2: "Are you going to make this a girl show type of place, only they're bug people instead?"

Y/n: "Nope."

Patron 3: "How can you peacefully work while having so much - imagery walking around?"

He said as Tyrena was walking by with several drinks in her four hands.

Y/n: "I manage, some days are more difficult than most."

Patron 1: "I'm guessing they all have names too?"

Y/n: "Obviously."

Patron 2: "Do you... y'know - sleep with them?"

Y/n: "In the same house? Of course."

Patron 2: "No I mean--"

He made sure nobody else was listening.

Patron 2: "Do you fuck them?"

Your eyes widened.

Y/n: "Ahem, that's a rather personal question don't you think?"

Patron 2: "Sorry, it just baffles me how you got these damn good looking bug girls walking around in these sexy clothes and you haven't screwed at least one of them."

Y/n: "I guess I have an odd eye for fashion."

You tried to leave out Krisztina's involvement in case some of these guys have bad intentions if they knew she picked out these clothes.

Patron 1: "Wait, I thought procreation between humans and Mōtharians was illegal."

Patron 3: "The higher ups never said you aren't allowed to screw them."

Y/n: ". . . Isn't sex and procreating the same thing?"

Patron 2: "Nah, you're allowed to fuck them just don't plan on having kids with them."

You were dumbstruck for a second.

Y/n: "Okay what happens if you do have a kid with them?"

They all paused and looked at each other, then looked back at you.

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