3: Rescue

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An uneventful week has passed, other than working with a pale white insect girl everyday. It just felt like nothing new was happening.

(A/n: The price of isolation from society I guess...)

It was a dark stormy night, so bad that customers came in with nearly drenched coats.

Naomi looked completely terrified when the thunder got close.

Fortunately you were trained to withstand unexpected loud sounds in the academy, so hearing anything about as loud as a cannon didn't affect you (granted you could be occasionally startled but that's normal).

When Naomi brought over some of the steins and glasses lighting struck nearby making a loud cracking and booming sound which made the ground shake a little.

Naomi squealed in fear as the wings on her head covered her face and the wings on her back emerged covering her upper body similar to a blanket.

You approached her and guided her to the kitchen where no one was watching.

You noticed a small entrance through her wings on her face which you gently moved them enough to her scared face as a tear leaked out from one of her eyes.

Y/n: "You okay?"

Naomi: "That was... Really loud..."

Y/n: "Yeah, it's thunder."

Naomi: "I just didn't expect it to be so close."

Y/n: "We're almost done and when the night ends you can hide under the blankets in your room."

Naomi: ". . .With the lamp?"

Y/n: "Uh no, because that might actually start a fire."

Eventually the shift ended with everyone and some of their drunk ass friends were leaving.

You grabbed the rain coat your mother gave to you long ago (late teens).

It was the same coat she wore when she served as a Jägerin in the Imperial army.

It was the same coat she wore when she served as a Jägerin in the Imperial army

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Y/n: "Naomi, I'm taking the trash out. Make sure everything is cleaned up in there, alright?"

Naomi: "Yes Master!"

You looked through the doorway staring at her with an unamused face.

Naomi: "I mean Y/n!"

Y/n: "That's more like it. I'll help if you're not done when I get back."

As you were putting the trash out for the GDU (Garbage Disposal Unit) you saw a hooded figure being followed into an alley by two Slave Hunters.

Without informing Naomi you quickly followed while being discreet.

You hid near the alleyway entrance and peaked carefully and listened closely.

Slaver 1: "Hey, where do you think you're headed off to missy."

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