15: Late night snack (🍋)

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Naomi woke up half through the trip, and noticed she was drooling.

She sat up and wiped the drool from her face.

She looked at you and Ebony.

You were zoned out peacefully experiencing a very nice dream.

Naomi smiled, she found you adorable when you're sleeping.

She looked out the window, it was a lovely night outside. One she couldn't even dream about when she was a slave.

 One she couldn't even dream about when she was a slave

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Naomi: "Wow..."

She stared in awe.

Ebony slightly woke up carefully to not startle anyone.

Naomi noticed Ebony's antennas twitching and looked over at her.

Ebony looked out the window astonished by the view.

Ebony: "Now there's something you don't see everyday."

Naomi: "Yeah, I'm truly thankful to be on this journey with Y/n. I couldn't think of anything better than this."

Ebony looked at you.

Ebony: "To think I would end up peacefully sleeping near a human."

Naomi was about to agree until she looked down and noticed your dick was fully erect in your pants.

She blushed and covered her mouth as her body vibrated.

Ebony was confused and looked to see what was making Naomi blush.

Her tired eyes also slowly widened in shock as her face turned purple.

Ebony: "He- he- he's hard!"

She whispered in panic.

Naomi almost felt entranced by the sight of your dick twitching in your pants.

She got directly in front of you and got on her knees.

Ebony: "What are you doing????"

Naomi: "I'm not completely sure..."

She said rubbing your crotch with her hand while being completely fixated on your crotch.

She then unzipped and unbuttoned your pants, she carefully pulled your cock through the slit of your underwear.

She was met with your twitching cock, begging for action as precum began to slowly leak out.

Ebony had no words for what she was staring at.

Ebony: "So... That's a... Man's..."

Her eyes couldn't stop looking at your cock.

Naomi gently wrapped her upper hand around it and stroked slowly.

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