5: What a day

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You and the girls were heading over to Krisztina's work place to introduce her to what you assume to be your new friend.

Y/n: "So, you're gonna put off that mission of yours?"

Ebony: "I don't know, maybe they might send a replacement if I don't report back after a period of time."

Y/n: "Why go to the FBC of all places, there shouldn't be any Mōtharian activity there."

Ebony: "Our people are pretty good at hiding, and I don't know much about the location I'm going to. It's in a region called Angers in a place referred to as Chinon, and that's all the information I was given."

Y/n: "Angers? That's DEEP within FBC territory. Going there is practically suicide, especially for you."

Ebony: "How far are we talking about?"

Y/n: "It's practically in the North West corner of the FBC."

Ebony: "You're kidding me!"

Y/n: "Nope, and if you get caught you don't have to worry about being enslaved. It's either getting hung or burned alive by FBC standards."

Ebony: "Are humans always this brutal to my kind?"

Y/n: "It's mostly like this in the FBC, they're known to have a "shoot first, ask questions later" policy to anyone who trespasses in their domain. So I've heard, I must say I'm extremely surprised your people have some sort of enclave down there in the first place."

Ebony: "Do we not seem capable?"

Y/n: "I never said that, I'm just surprised. Our people have found it practically impossible to even get a spy past their borders."

You thought to yourself and theorized that it could be possible that they might've settled there after the war, before humanity began to separate and rebuild their own countries.

Ebony: "The way you describe their security, I almost think it's suicide to go there"

Y/n: "After what almost happened to you, do you really believe a message is worth all the trouble?"

Ebony looked away almost doubting her duty.

Y/n: "Well it's up to you, but I'd be really glad if you stick around for awhile. I could use another pair--"

You paused for a second and thought about your choice of words.

Y/n: "Two pairs of hands at the bar."

Ebony: "I would feel awful simply leaving you after the way you treated me. Maybe I could... Ngh, but then I'd feel bad about abandoning my people."

Naomi: "Why not tell them you changed your mind?"

Ebony: "It doesn't work like that."

Y/n: "If it's that important to you I won't get your way. Just remember that you're more than welcome to stick around for as long as you need to."

Ebony blushed a bit by your cordiality.

You arrived at the Plánto Bozi.

As you walked in you saw 3 Academy attendant girls in uniform giggling as they were walking out of the store. From the looks of their shopping bags it appears they clearly bought some clothes from Krisztina.

Their uniforms were short white skirts, black military boots, white buttoned shirts with black ties and formal blue coats with a white insignia of a mammoth standing on it's back two legs hold a piece of cloth with it's trunk that majestically wraps around it's body the cloth for each stripe around it's body said at least one word: Northern Imperial Academy.

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