12: The Chase

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You ran after Ebony but she was nowhere to be found.

You called out for her desperately hoping she would turn up but with no luck.

Y/n: 'Did she spy on us, I had the room door lock so there's no way she could've seen us! God damn it! Why is this happening to me!'

You almost felt like giving up, but decided there was at least one person you could at least try to get help from.

You went to the Plátno Bozi.

You ran up to the door and knocked as loud as you could.

Eventually you saw all three girls coming up behind you fully dressed in their usual clothes.

Naomi: "Y/n!"

They finally caught up.

Naomi: "I'm so sorry!"

She said as she was holding back the urge to cry.

Astrella: "Why did she leave and more importantly what did she mean by you two?"

Tyrena: "Where could grey one be?"

Y/n: "I don't know, and nobody has to be sorry! I did this to myself!"

You heard the door open.

Krisztina's hair was down and slightly messy as she was wearing some standard purple pajamas with butterfly silhouette designs on them.

Krisztina: "Y/n? What's wrong, why are you all here this early?

Y/n: "I messed up, big time! I think I know where she's going but I wanted make sure--"

Krisztina: "Where "who" is going?"

Y/n: "Listen, I know you were right about the whole wait before marriage thing but--"

Krisztina put both her hands on your shoulders.

Krisztina: "Calm. Down. Tell me everything."

Y/n: "I don't have time for that! Look, can you watch over the bar again, I'll pay you back, I promise!"

Krisztina sighed as she brushed her bangs back.

Krisztina: "Okay..."

You turned to the girls.

Y/n: "Girls, I need you to stay here with Krisztina."

Naomi: "I'm coming with you! It's my fault all of this happened!"

Tyrena: "Tyrena is only here because of you! I follow!"

Astrella: "I don't want to be the only Mōtharian left behind!"

Krisztina shrugged her shoulders.

Krisztina: "Looks like it's just me and Ebony then, how long do you think you'll be gone?"

Y/n: "Not sure, and that's the problem, Ebony's gone!"

Krisztina placed a hand on her chest.

Krisztina: "What happened?"

Y/n: "I'll tell you later! Thank you Krisztina!"

You ran off with the girls.

You were headed to the train station.

There were a very small amount of people heading aboard with one cloaked figure who was able to sneak right on.

You and the girls made it but were stopped by security.

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