7: Escape!

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You woke up with blurry vision, you were outside but it was dark.

You attempted to move but your arms and legs were tied.

Your arms were tied above you along with your ankles being just normally tied to a wooden pole.

You attempted to struggle and break free, unfortunately whoever tied you up made sure your bindings were secured and tight.

You observed your surroundings, it was dark outside and there was a camp not too far with more of those Cercropians that captured you.

You looked to your left and saw a man who appeared to be in his 60s.

To your right was the Herculite girl you were with, she looked to be either unconscious or asleep.

Y/n: "Psst, girl! You alright?"

She didn't respond.

Old man: "Ah, dimenticalo amico, ha combattuto prima che la picchiassero brutalmente e la legassero."

Y/n: 'Shit, he's speaking Southern. Alright focus and speak Italian, remember what you learned from the Academy.'

Y/n: "Uhh I'm sorry what?"

Old man: "I said forget it pal, she put up one hell of a fight before they beat her up and tied her to a pole."

Y/n: "Where are we?"

Old man: "In one of the Cercropian camp sites."

Y/n: "What are they going to do with us?"

Old man: "They're going to pit us against each other in the arenas deep within the Siberian wastelands. They're just resting before they take us tomorrow."

Y/n: "Why though, for entertainment?"

Old man: "Pretty much..."

Y/n: "How long have I been out?"

Old man: "Let's see... They brought you here about maybe 27 minutes ago, that's at least my best guess."

Y/n: "How long have you been here?"

Old man: "I've been one of their gladiators for at least 3 days and fought in a few brawls, damn I miss my wife..."

Y/n: "Wait a minute, if their arenas are in the Siberian wastes then how did you become a gladiator if you're all the way here?"

Old man: "I've been pitted against other human prisoners, at least one or two small fights per day and to the death."

Y/n: "What's your name?"

Old man: "My name is Vuno."

Y/n: "Y/n."

Vuno: "Huh, you don't look like the Y/n type."

Y/n: "Really?"

Vuno: "You look more like an Erin or a Vincent kind of guy."

(A/n: If that's your actual name I'm honored to have you here and sorry I had to reuse your name.)

Y/n: "Heh, is that right? Did you move to the Empire to avoid the tension in SENAR?"

Vuno: "Hell no! I believe in democracy, I would never support that power fantasy bullshit."

Y/n: "So you were brought here against your will?"

Vuno: "Yeah, I was just breathing in the peace while it lasted before I left Thardacia, then I got captured and brought here by those bugs."

Y/n: "You mean Mōtharians?"

Vuno: "Bugs, Moth people, what does it matter? They're all the same thing."

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