2: Odd Events

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You woke up to a new day.

You were going to get dressed up for the day but decided to take a look at your new guest.

You opened the door slowly and saw Naomi sleeping soundly but she was hugging the lamp with both of her left arms.

Approaching the bed you carefully released her grip from the lamp and placed it back on its night stand.

She looked completely adorable sleeping, like she was at peace, no fear, no sadness, just calm gentle breaths and snuggled into her blanket.

You allowed her to sleep in longer mostly because you had no real work for her and you would've felt extremely awkward just having a servant stand somewhere silent all day.

As you were about to close the door and let her rest some more you curiously looked back at her to see her comfy state, you then quietly closed the door.

Y/n: "I don't know why we fought these things in the first place, they don't seem as vicious as they appeared in the documentaries back in the Academy."

You told yourself as you went back to your room and got dressed.

You wore the typical white shirt and black pants, it gave you a edgy rebellious type of vibe.

Reaching for the door knob you heard a creak outside your door, you carefully opened only to see Naomi fully dressed with her hands together and her head down looking very guilty.

Y/n: "Hey, you're awake. Uh, listen I was going to wake you up but I really didn't know what to do with-- you..."

You stopped talking and noticed she looked conflicted.

Naomi; "I'm sorry for what I did..."

Y/n: "...I'm not sure I follow."

Naomi: "I could've broken your property when I was holding your lamp, but I was too scared to sleep even with the lamp on the stand... I'll accept any punishment you give me..."

You were confused for a solid second but understood why she was getting all mopey.

Y/n: "Ohh okay... Uh, just don't do it again, alright?"

She didn't understand why you weren't punishing her but didn't want to get into anymore trouble so she obeyed and nodded silently.

You were walking downstairs to your bar with Naomi following right behind you.

Y/n: 'Shit, I need to find work for her to do.'

You came up with an idea.

Y/n: "Have you ever made coffee?"

She nodded.

Y/n: "Alrighty then, hop to it. There should be some grounded coffee in the pantry near the kitchen and some creamer in the preservator."

She nodded and got to work.

You stepped outside and got a whiff of some early morning autumn air.

You saw on your door step that there was a newspaper.

Y/n: "I never read this garbage when I was with my parents, but I guess if Krisztina is updated on what's happening it couldn't hurt to take a peek."

You grabbed the newspaper and went back inside.

You sat down at one of the tables that are generally used for your customers and read up on what's happening.

Imperial News:

The people of SENAR seek conflict with the Empire!

The Thardacian Kingdom has agreed to trade slaves with the U.I.S.E.

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