4: Rough Sleep...

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("Which is the true nightmare, the horrific dream that you have in your sleep or the dissatisfied reality that awaits you when you awake?"

- Justin Alcala)

We stumble into an unknown white void through the perspective of Naomi.

Naomi wakes up on what appears to be a white stainless reflective floor.

Naomi: "H- hello?... Y/n?... Krisztina?... Ebony?..."

Naomi got up and looked around, all she could hear as she was walking through the empty void was the tap of the floor whenever she stepped somewhere.

????: "Rosa. . ."

Her eyes widened in shock, it sounded like the voice of a male figure that sounded way too familiar.

Naomi: ". . .Papa?. . . "

The laughter of children could be heard throughout the void.

Naomi continued to walk until she got closer to the voices.

She saw silhouettes of Mōtharian children running and flying past her as if they were playing.

She followed them, the echoes of laughter continued as she chased after them.

Naomi: "Wait!"

She stopped and saw two Mōtharians male and female, standing next to each other with several of their kids happily playing in front of them.

Naomi squinted her eyes to get a better look at them.

Before she could get a look she felt something hot, as if something were burning.

Breathing became difficult as she felt like there was smoke in the air.

Flames began to swarm the two figures but they just stood there as well as the children.

Naomi had no words to express what she was seeing, her eyes began to water either from the fire or her emotions she couldn't say.

Screams could be heard, it sounded like people being butchered, the cries of children were all around her.

????: "ROSA!"

Naomi looked at the ground once more and saw burned grass and dirt.

She heard the voice of a little girl crying that sounded familiar as well.

Child: "Papa!"

????: "I'll always love you my little rose, Papa will always love you!"

Child: "Papa No!"

????: "Don't look sweetheart, look away!"

Fire began to surround Naomi, almost as if she could feel it.

Child: "PAPAAAAAA!!!!!"

A purple liquid splattered onto Naomi's face, she touched the liquid and her hands began to shake as she figured out it was blood.

Naomi fell to her knees as the fire was just inches closer.

Instead of burning her, the flames had human shapes and she heard voices.

Flamed human: "Sergeant, what do you want to do with this one?"

Other flamed human: "Throw her in with the others."

The flamed hand reached out to Naomi's face.

Everything became dark......

Naomi loudly gasped and woke up only to realize it was all a dream, she then noticed she was accidentally cuddling up to your body.

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