8: Going home

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Leila leaped at you which caught you completely off guard, her swings were intentionally not wounding you but making you yell every time you got cut or stabbed.

She even licked your blood off one of her swords.

Leila: "This is the true might of an Imperial warrior? I honestly expected better, but if you're tired I can end your life quickly if you beg for it."

Vuno: "...Imperial?"

You kneeled catching your breath.

Y/n: "I've come too far... I am not... Dying here!"

You said with your eyes narrowed, the brightness of the full moon glared over your face making it look like your eyes were completely covered in shadows.

Vuno was going to come help you but you held your hand up letting him know you don't need help as you slowly began to stand on your feet.

You stood in an aggressive stance and held your blade like a Zweihänder as wind of the night blew by making your hair flow majestically.

Leila smiled sadistically knowing you're not giving up.

You charged towards her and swung, she dodged and kicked you hard in the stomach.

You made an extreme effort not to throw up and turned to keep swinging.

(A/n: Swinging a large sword at an opponent who's overwhelmingly agile can be a real pain in the ass and kinda impossible.)

Her body moves like water as you keep trying to land a strike on her.

You felt like you were losing strength for the amount of energy you wasted trying to attack her.

Your body faced away from Leila from your last attack as you were thinking of a way to defeat her.

You were breathing heavily as sweat began leaking from your forehead, your eyes moved frantically.

Leila yawned in boredom, unamused by your efforts.

You struck your sword in the ground.

Leila raised an eyebrow of confusion.

You prepared to fight her with your bare hands.

Leila: "You can't be serious, you're seriously going to attack me like that?"

You didn't respond.

Leila: "I admire your commitment, but I find your tactic ultimately flawed."

Y/n: "Do you always have a monologue when fighting someone?"

She spun her blades once more and charged at you.

You took a few cuts until you grabbed her upper left wrist and made the same paralyzing attack on her arm causing her hand to open and let go of her sword.

Leila: "KRIEAGH!"

She nearly stabbed you directly in the stomach with one of her lower arm swords which you quickly caught.

You managed to break her grip from her sword by squeezing her wrist tightly and hitting her stomach with your knee.

You then pushed her away hard enough for her to fall on her back.

Leila got back up with only two swords left.

Leila: "Kuuurrrrrrgg... You'll pay for that!"

Y/n: "Just thought I'd even the odds before we officially fought."

You said as you reached down for the blade she dropped.

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