13: Explanation

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All three of you were silent, the only thing that could be heard was the clunking noise of the train moving on the tracks.

Ebony: "Y/n... I- I didn't mean--"

Y/n: "No no, you're right. This is your decision, I'm sorry for coming after you."

Ebony: "But I--"

Y/n: "Me and Naomi will try and get a ride back and we'll let you be on your way. I hope you finish your mission and return to your homeland safely."

You got up and held Naomi's hand to help her get up.

Y/n: "Goodbye, Ebony..."

You walked past her with Naomi.

Naomi felt heartbroken that she was losing a friend but followed behind you.

Ebony: "No wait!"

She wrapped her arms around your leg.

Ebony: "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to yell at you!"

You and Naomi looked down at her.

Ebony: "I just- I just..."

Tears leaked from her eyes as she leaned her forehead against your leg.

She sobbed as she held back with all her might from crying.

Y/n: "You have every reason not to be sorry, I respect your decision. We're not a couple--"

Ebony: "BUT I WANTED TO BE!..."

Y/n: ". . . Huh?"

Naomi widened her eyes.

Ebony: "I wanted it to be you and me! Right here! Together! Maybe even... have a family... far north after my mission was done..."

Y/n: "Ebony..."

You couldn't imagine abandoning your bar and the people you've met along the way.

Ebony: "When I heard you court Naomi, my heart and mind were broken. I felt like I lost everything all over again..."

Naomi kneeled on the floor and pulled Ebony into a hug.

Ebony: "...I'm sorry, *sob* maybe I should've been enslaved. So you two wouldn't have to come find me in the first place..."

Naomi: "Don't ever say that!"

Hearing Naomi raise her voice caught you and Ebony completely off guard.

Naomi: "Becoming a slave is something you should never think about embracing! We love you, Ebony... Me, Y/n, Krisztina, and the others. We came out here to find you because we love you, in a way we're like family."

Naomi tugged on your hand to make you kneel down.

You got down on your knees and joined in on the hug.

Y/n: 'Family... Something I kinda wish I got to enjoy being a part of...'

You thought about the times you were in an emotional state and how the only ones there for you were your mother (occasionally) and mostly your Grandfather.

It was a moment of silence.

Ebony: ". . .I don't even know what to do now."

You and Naomi let go.

Y/n: "Well... Since we're like a family I suggest we get this done together."

Ebony looked up at you.

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