11: First Time (🍋)

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(A/n: I was drunk trying to find good music to write something sexy with, this one caught my attention.

Also a little heads up, back then I used to use words like "manhood" and other non vulgar words during lemons but now since I'm no longer 19 and I'm hitting booze some nights at the age of 23 [hard to believe I'm that old now... 😐], certain words have caught on to me so I apologize if any of you are uncomfortable hearing words like "dick", "cock", "tits", or "pussy". It also made writing a little easier so I don't always have to conjure up a new safe word for every sentence in a lemon chapter.)

You and Naomi's lips touched, her lips were sweet from the wine, warm as fresh bread from the oven, and soft like silk.

Naomi: : "Mmm~"

Naomi clung onto you tightly as the kissing got more intense.

The two of you were smooching loudly not giving a care for the world around you.

Your tongue moved across her teeth and canine fangs trying to get deeper in her mouth.

She opened and twirled her dark blue tongue with yours.

Naomi: "Mn~ Ah~ Mn~ *Chu* Mn~ *Chu* Mmm~"

Naomi took off your pants making you more comfortable as she sat on top of your lap while continuing to kiss you.

Your neck could feel the warm fluff from her neck fur.

Naomi wrapped her legs around you as well as her arms, she's latched on you like a tick

Your hands were rubbing her thighs as the two of you were making out.

Due to the both of you having a lack of experience when it comes to kissing there was a small amount of saliva leaving both of your lips.

Naomi: "Mmm~ Y/n~ *Chu*"

Her tongue was slightly cold and sweet.

What felt like a few minutes of kissing turned out to be a full hour.

Naomi's tongue was longer and stronger than your tongue, she could literally overwhelm you during a make out session if she got aggressive.

You squeezed her ass and the back of her thighs while continuing to kiss her.

Naomi's body began to vibrate giving your chest and pelvis a physically stimulating feeling.

Naomi took your shirt off while trying to kiss you more.

You laid your back on the bed to feel more comfortable.

The two of you broke the kiss as a trail of saliva left both of you mouths.

Naomi's eyes had hearts in them and her mind went blank almost intoxicated from all the kissing.

You began kissing her neck all the way down to her breasts.

You tried to unclasp her bra but couldn't figure out how to get it off.

Naomi giggled and grabbed your wrists with her upper hands as her lower hands unclasped her bra for you.

She let go and smiled.

You got a good look at her pure white breasts and grey areolas.

You gropped one as you sucked on the other.

The texture of her breasts made your mind spin.

Naomi was breathing heavy and attempted to resist from moaning.

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