16: Courier

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Mōtharian Contact War - 3898 (2 years before The Final Conflict) near Guevo Village, Russia (70 miles southeast from Kursk).

Name: Adrik
Gender: Male
Species: Mōtharian
Tribe: Herculite
Age: 21
Assignment: N/A
Uniform: Broken Berserker armor (all you have left "functioning" is your arm and leg guards, your torso piece took massive damage. Your helmet is broken, making you unable to access any weapons).
Weapons: Holstered wrist blades on all four arms with equipped flamethrowers that shoot blue flames (unfortunately you are out of ammunition).

Weapons: Holstered wrist blades on all four arms with equipped flamethrowers that shoot blue flames (unfortunately you are out of ammunition)

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Over 30 minutes have passed since the previous fight you were in.

The battle ended in Mōtharian defeat with you and everyone else retreating deep within the woods.

As you struggled to keep moving in a snowy forest, the pain in your stomach increased.

You gripped your stomach tightly, holding in the urge to screech.

Your helmet unfortunately wasn't doing you any favors for your sight, it was badly damaged.

Eventually you slowed down to catch your breath.

You removed your helmet and dropped it without any care.

You stopped and leaned up against a tree.

You looked up groaning slightly and gripped your stomach in agony, looking down you saw a wound on your stomach.

You were shot and just barely survived a 50. caliber bullet hitting you.

(A/n: Herculites are more likely to survive a heavy caliber bullet than a human. They can still be killed by bullets it just takes more. Plus you were wearing some tough armor.)

You're bleeding slowly, your lower hands were covered with your blood.

In an odd way you felt some type of relief that you won't bleed out quickly. That maybe you can make it back to your colony in time before you bleed to death.

 That maybe you can make it back to your colony in time before you bleed to death

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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